Tuesday, May 31, 2005

We're On The Move

Have you heard that New Covenant is going to move locations in the future? On Monday, May 23 our church family voted 204-2 to purchase 56 acres of land on North Center Point Road five miles north of our present location. You can read all about the decision to relocate at this link http://www.newcovenantbible.org/NCBC/Task_at_hand.asp . You don't need to worry that you won't be able to find us next Sunday as no ground will be broken for at least three or four years!

This brings me to this question. What concerns do you have about relocation? Or about church in general? Transition and change always involves risk and faith. What faith steps are you taking to create space for one more person? I would love to hear from you.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Where's The Beef?

Our cooks hard at work!

We had a great Welcome Lunch today. Thanks again to those who prepared the food, served and cleaned up. We couldn't do it without you! We had about 50 people in attendance with guests at every table. Our guests included Charlie and Connie; Eric, Rachel, Emily, Olivia and Isaac; Justin and Julie; Steve, Brenda and Bryanna; and the Marks family. Let me know if I missed anyone.

So, what questions do you have about New Covenant? Or about being a follower of Jesus Christ. That's what we're about, becoming a family of growing disciples of Jesus Christ. We would love to have you join us on this journey. Welcome to New Covenant! Pull up a chair and make yourself at home.

Click on the picture above to see a slide show of the Welcome Lunch. The show may take awhile to load.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Welcome Lunch

Tomorrow is our Welcome Lunch. I always look forward to these; not for just the food but for the wonderful people I get to meet. I plan to take some pictures and post them tomorrow. Hope to see you there!