Sunday, September 21, 2008

It Ain't Over When It's Over

As a lifelong baseball fan, I'm totally enjoying the ESPN broadcast tonight of the last game in Yankee Stadium. The 85 year old ballpark is full of memories and nostalgia. With the closing of Yankee Stadium, only Wrigley Field in Chicago and Fenway Park in Boston are left of the old parks.

The pre-game ceremonies were moving as they honored many of the Yankee greats. Sons, daughters, wives and entire families took their place on the field representing players who are no longer living. I especially enjoyed the introduction of Bobby Richardson at second base. Sharon and I had the opportunity to enjoy dinner with Bobby and his wife Betsy several years ago when he was in Cedar Rapids to speak at the FCA banquet.

And an evening of Yankee baseball wouldn't be complete without Yogi Berra. The special piece that ESPN did with Yogi on Yankee Stadium is very moving. The piece and the telecast reminds us that time moves on. Nothing stands still. Our heros age and even pass away. Some, like Thurmon Muson and Lou Gehrig, leave us much too soon. Big plays, big games, and even championships fade into the past. We're left with stories of days gone by.

But memories don't have to anchor us to the past. Memories can propel us into the future. Long after the important events and people in our lives are gone, we can take their memories with us. They can inspire us to a better future.

And tonight, after the lights go out at Yankee Stadium, the memories will continue on. As Yogi says, "Like the home runs that built it, this place will soon be out of here. Gone. History. Only this time it ain't over when it's over. So I'm not going to miss it. I'm not going to dream about perfect games and championships. I'm going to remember them."

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