Saturday, August 06, 2011

What If

Sharon and I met with Doug Forret, Don Purdy and Dennis Matangira this morning to talk about the dream we have of purchasing a drilling rig for Mushayamunda Christian Development Foundation.

This is rough draft/sneak peak of what we are thinking and praying about. It's pretty crazy but we're asking God for $165,00 to fund this project so we can drill 20 wells a year and provide clean drinking water for villages and schools that go without.

This month I celebrate 20 years of service at New Covenant. I'm making plans to invite my friends to join me in helping make this dream a reality!

What if we could share what we have to give to those who go without? What if we could help empower villages in Zimbabwe to better care for their own? What if we could provide water for drinking, sanitation, gardening and hygiene? What if we could offer hope and help to entire schools and villages? What if we could do all this in the name of Jesus so that His kingdom and purposes are advanced? What if ....

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