Friday, November 24, 2006

A Great Way To Start The Day

Jason's girlfriend, Erin, is staying with us this weekend before she returns to Moody. Jason had to be at the Westdale Starbucks to open at 4:30 AM so we drove down to see him this morning and to get a cup of coffee. Erin and Josh aren't coffee drinkers but they enjoyed a peppermint mocha and carmel apple cider. You can click on the picture above to see some pictures from Starbucks.

We had a great time at Starbucks this morning. Unlike Jason, we all got to sleep in, then wandered in to Starbucks for coffee around 10:45 AM. It's a rough life! A good cup of coffee shared with family and friends! It was a great way to start the day!

1 comment:

Tye Male said...

Carmel apple cider! That's the drink I told you about Thursday!

I also stopped in and saw Jason around 7 AM. It was great seeing him there! I'm off to Starbucks right now - probably a decaf Christmas blend and The Message.