Thursday, March 29, 2007

Sanibel Bean Coffee

In our bike ride yesterday we discovered Sanibel Bean Coffee. I had the Sanibel Island Blend Medium Roast. They use the insulated, self-serve pots so you could help yourself. The coffee was good but not outstanding. We enjoyed our coffees on the front porch, basking in the 80 degree weather! You can click on the picture above to see a slide show.

Finding this coffee shop got me to thinking. What would you get if Sanibel Bean Coffee merged with Mr. Bean? I think I know the answer! You'd get Mr. and Mrs. Bean! I think it's time to go!


Robin said...

Wow Kim! Did you make up that joke yourself. Sharon, you better watch him...he may be getting too much sun!

Kim Pagel said...

It was all mine! I think it was pretty good, even if I have to say so myself!