Wednesday, October 12, 2011

All I Want Is A Drilling Rig!

I’m excited about the incredible opportunity I have to partner with Mushayamunda Christian Development Foundation to order to bring clean drinking water to 7500 children in Zimbabwe! As you may know, I'm sponsoring the Drilling Rig Project in recognition of my 60th birthday and 20th anniversary at New Covenant.

15 schools and 100 villages have asked MCDF to drill wells for them in order to provide clean drinking water. But, because of MCDF’s limited financial resources, they are only able to dill one well every two years! At this rate, it would take 30 years for MCDF to drill wells for each of the 15 schools!

This isn’t acceptable! I want to provide a drilling rig for MCDF so that they can bring clean water and the message of Jesus Christ to thousands of children and hundreds of villages. The need is urgent. We can make a difference.

In order to accomplish this, we need to purchase a drilling rig so that we can get clean water to these schools as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Consider the following:
  • The cost of drilling borehole wells in Zimbabwe has been volatile. Costs have ranged from $6000 to $12,000 per well, depending on inflation and the depth of the well.
  • The water table is very deep and drillers normally have to go through granite to reach the water which increases the cost of drilling.
  • By using their own drilling rig, MCDF can reduce the cost of drilling a well from $8000 to under $4000! This will allow them to drill more wells and provide more schools and villages with clean water.
  • The contract drillers that MCDF have used in the past charge their fee whether or not they find water.
  • The Drilling Rig Project is projected to have a one year payback!
Your generosity can bring clean drinking water to children, schools and entire villages. Schools will receive clean, fresh drinking water, families will be able to grow self-sustaining gardens, villages will be transformed, women and children will spend less time gathering water, churches will be planted and the gospel will be preached!

Who wouldn’t want to be part of something like this! Together, we can make a lasting impact on the country of Zimbabwe as we share the good works and the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ!

Please pray about what God would have you do to help move this project to completion.

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