Monday, October 10, 2011

Imagine Life Without Clean Drinking Water

These photos were taken by our New Covenant Zimbabwe Team last summer. The Mushayamunda Christian Development Foundation (MCDF) works with orphans and students in 20 different schools. 15 of these schools don't have wells or clean drinking water. Each school has an average of 500 students. The photos above were taken by our team during the Vacation Bible School programs they conducted during their trip.

Imagine sending your child off to a school that didn't have clean drinking water or adequate sanitation. Many children, girls in particular, aren't even able to attend school as their water carrying duties take up a large part of their day. 

Water given in the name of Jesus changes everything. Sanitation, improved hygiene, community gardens, less illness, and the Gospel accompany community wells and clean water! I want to provide a drilling rig in Zimbabwe so that the 15 schools that MCDF ministers to can have clean drinking water. Together we can make a difference as we share the good works and the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

On Sunday, October 30 I am going to celebrate my 20th Anniversary and 60th Birthday with an Open House Celebration. Join me at New Covenant from 3:00-5:00 PM. This is an event for the entire family. Come and learn about the need for clean water, the African culture, enjoy some food and how you can get involved.

I will be sharing more information in the days to come including how you can give financially to the Zimbabwe Drilling Rig Project.

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