Our Tree
Our family enjoyed putting up our Christmas tree on Saturday. Click on the picture above to see a short Christmass tree slideshow. Our family tradition is to cut our tree and set it up on Thanksgiving weekend. Part of the fun for our boys is to run through the tree farm, playing catch with the football.
There is always healthy debate regarding which tree to select. It's mandatory to look for at least 30 minutes before settling on just the right tree. It's not unusual to hear, "How about this one" or "I like this tree" ten or fifteen times during our quest for the perfect tree.
But over the years, I have come to realize that trees are much like people - there are no perfect ones. The "right tree" somehow uniquely combines the things that are important to us - width, color, density, height, and character. It takes some time to select the "right tree," but once you find it, you know it's yours!
I have often thought that it would be easier to purchase an artificial tree. But then I recall all the great memories we have surrounding the selection of our Christmas trees. There was the time that the tree blew off the top of the car and landed in the middle of the highway! And the time that the football hit me in the face as I was cutting down the tree! And then there are the pictures each year with the boys in front of the chosen tree.
And so each year I have concluded that although artificial is easier, fresh is way more fun. And if I have to choose between convenience and memories, I will vote for memories every time. In January our Christmas tree will be turned into compost, but the memories of this Christmas season will live on into the future. There are some things in life worth the effort.