Tye with Eric Bramlett
Bob, Tye, Gary, Erin and myself just returned from a two day Multi-Site Practicum at Community Christian Church in Naperville, Illinois. Community Christian has 19 services at 8 different locations in the Chicago area. This past weekend they launched their latest site in Pilson, the second largest Hispanic community in the United States. They have been doing multi-site ministry since 1998 and are considered one of the pioneers in the movement.
It was a great experience for the five of us to interact with the Community Christian leadership team the past two days. There were over 20 churches in attendance from all over the United States. Among other things, we learned the 7 Moves to Going Multi-Site and worked on a 5 Step Strategy. You can click on the picture above to see a short slideshow of our time.
Last evening after dinner, Eric Bramlett, their Creative Arts Director, led a segment called Pardon the Interruption. Churches were encouraged to send up a representative to be "interviewed" by Eric for one minute. Tye volunteered from our team and endured 60 seconds of Eric's good-natured humor and fun. Thanks Tye for taking one for the team!
This Practicum was a great way for us to learn about what is involved if we choose to launch an additional site in the future. Our long range vision includes resourcing and helping small churches in rural areas. In addition, we need to look at how to creatively deal with our space constraints over the next four years before we relocate.
This a journey of faith. The past several days we learned about how one church is pioneering new territory in their passionate quest to help people find their way back to God. This is no time to sit idly by as people pass into a Christless eternity. We need to understand the times and help people awake from their slumber. Pardon the interruption.
And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. Romans 13:11