Our 30-Day Challenge begins today. I'm so excited about the journey that God has for us over the next five weeks. We are encouraging each person in our church family to spend daily time along with God through the disciplines of Bible reading, prayer and journaling. The Reading Journal section of your Journey Guide has one page a day for you to use for this purpose.
I invite you to pick up a Journey Guide if you have not already done so, and join me on the 30-Day Challenge. You can also go to the 30-Day Challenge blog to read the daily devotional and/or comment on what you are learning. You can also subscribe to the daily e-mail devotional by going to this page and following the instructions.
Ask God to speak to you as you spend time with Him. I invite you to accept the 30-Day Challenge. Share what you are learning with your small group or leave a comment on the blog. These are exciting days in the life of our church. Ask God to show you want He wants to do through you to accomplish His will for our church.
See you on the journey!