Friday, April 02, 2010


Is your "To Do" list bigger than your "Done" list? Are you drowning in a sea of paperwork. Do you get overwhelmed just by thinking about all you have to do?

Over the years, I have struggled with anxiety. I've had to learn how to deal with my constant companion. But what I've learned is that anxiety doesn't have to define who I am, nor do I need to be controlled by it.

I've learned that it's ok to feel overwhelmed. Anxiety reminds me that I'm not God and that I need to live in daily dependence on Him. Feeling overwhelmed usually indicates that there is something that I'm not dealing with, a decision I need to make, or an issue that needs additional thought and clarity. And I've learned about the value of sharing my struggles with trusted friends.

By nature, I'm not an organized person. This alone has caused me stress and anxiety over the years. But I'm slowly learning! I've implemented a comprehensive filing system at home and work. Microsoft Money helps me organize our finances. And Outlook, my HTC Hero, Clear Context, and ActiveSync help me organize my calendar, contacts and tasks. And within the last three years I've implemented David Allen's Getting Things Done.

I can't begin to express how freeing it is to be in control of my commitments and schedule! I'm still working on this stuff, but the results are incredible. Capturing all my commitments, active projects and  "to dos" in one place reduces stress and helps me be more effective.

Here is what David Allen, author of Getting Things Done said today on his blog about why people let themselves get overwhelmed at work.
"People tend to both over-commit and to be inefficient. Few people know exactly how much work they actually have, and therefore must take everything on that they think about and that others ask them to do. Their integrity forces them to agree to take things on because, not being real clear how many projects they already have on their plate, some part of them thinks they actually MIGHT be able to do it.

And, most people are inefficient because they don’t force themselves to decide what things mean and what they are actually going to do about them when they first show up. So they are constantly rethinking the same things over and over and not making any progress in doing so–only adding to their stress.

And when they DO finally decide what to do, it’s usually because they have allowed the situation to get into “last-minute” mode, and they now have to go deal with things as a crisis, one at a time, instead of in an orderly, timely, manner"
I've come to the conclusion that we have all the time we need. At the end of His life, Jesus said "I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do."

So, how are you doing? Are you overwhelmed? Take some time by yourself this weekend to review your commitments, list your projects, and identify your "next step" actions. Don't procrastinate. Make the hard decisions on the front-end. Keep your word. Clarify what's important to you. And then just do it! You'll be surprise how much better you feel!

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23-24


Gina said...

Glad to see you blogging again and I like the new look!

Rett said...

I was so blessed to see your blog with a new post! But how in the world, on Easter weekend, did you expect your readers to:

"Take some time by yourself this weekend to review your commitments, list your projects, and identify your "next step" actions. Don't procrastinate. Make the hard decisions on the front-end. Keep your word. Clarify what's important to you. And then just do it! "

Thankfully it's 10 pm and the weekend is over--so I'll consider this a somewhat overwhelming task for NEXT weekend--since this weekend consisted completely of Easter prep, Easter meditation, and Easter celebration.

You are a blessing. Please keep writing!


Kim Pagel said...

Good point Loretta. It ain't happen'n for you on Easter weekend, that's for sure!

I meant the comment to be more metaphorical. It would have been better worded to say, "get out your calendar and schedule a time in the next 30 days to review your commitments." By the way, this is an ongoing process.

This is easy for me to say, I'm an empty nester!! But even as a mom with four active children, you can do this. It just takes conviction that it's important.

Let Sharon and I know if we can help with the kiddos!

Rett said...

I would love for our kids to get to know you both better! And vice versa. Be careful or you'll be invited to a school program or sporting event every week!

Okay so after cleaning up the house and starting dinner I have all my "open loops" in a central location for me to go through them and file, add to To Do list, or add to calendar.

But first I want to play with ProPresenter on the mac Andrew loaned me...