Friday, July 29, 2005
Remains of Unidentified Person Found
Hungry Bear
I have been getting some helpful advice on how to protect myself from being attacked by bear.
Park officials are advising hikers, hunters, fishermen and golfers to take extra precautions and keep alert for bears while in the area. People are advised to wear noise-producing devices such as little bells on their clothing to alert but not startle a bear unexpectedly. They also recommend carrying pepper spray in case of an encounter with a bear. It is also a good idea to watch for fresh signs of bear activity, and to know the difference between black bear and grizzly bear droppings. Black bear droppings are smaller and contain berries and possibly squirrel fur. Grizzly bear droppings have little bells in them and smell like pepper spray.
Thanks for thinking of me, but I think I will try a different plan of attack! How about you? What strategies have you found successful in dealing with hungry grizzly bears?
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Pastor Attacked By Bear, Unable To Blog For A Week
Smokey Mountains
We leave for our family vacation to the Smokey Mountains on Saturday morning! We hope to hit the road at 6:00 AM and drive to Louisville. We will then drive from Louisville to Townsend, Tennessee on Sunday, where we have rented a cabin for the week. I hope to find a wireless connection somewhere during our trip so I can post some pictures.
If you don't hear from me on this blog during the next week you will know that one of the following happened to me:
- I was attacked by a bear and hospitalized
- I was busy taking pictures on the hiking trail, got lost and my family left me in the forest
- I loved Dollywood so much that Sharon couldn't get me out of the park
- I bought a guitar, began singing country and western music and began my own act
- I was having such a good time on vacation that I completely forgot about blogging!
I'm really looking forward to this time together as family. Jason is able to join us as he has the week off of work. We are going to read and discuss the book, Know What You Believe while we're away. It's not a vacation unless I use my "learner" strength!
The next time I post will be with some pictures of the Smokeys. While I'm gone, leave a comment about your family's summer vacation. I would love to hear from you. Have a great week!
Monday, July 25, 2005
Dare To Be Different!
The Herman Miller Aeron Chair
Have you noticed that every person is uniquely different? We have twin sons born nine minutes apart. They grew up in the same home, in the same environment, with the same brothers and parents. Yet they are unique individuals with different interests, personalities and preferences. And don’t you ever forget it!
If we are so different from one another, why do we try so hard to conform and “fit in?” Why are we so afraid of being different? Why do we look to our exterior world to give us identity and significance? Why are we so concerned with what other people think of us?
Perhaps it’s because we haven’t adequately understood our unique, God-given design. We aren’t comfortable with whom God created us to be in Christ, so we seek out the approval of others. Let’s just stop this nonsense and dare to be different!
Michael Vance, referred to as the Dean of Creativity, has said this: “The more you are like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.” God has uniquely fashioned each person for a special purpose.
In the early 90’s the designers at Herman Miller Inc. began to create a new type of office chair. It was designed to fit and interact with the human body in a way that no chair had previously done. Because the human form has no straight lines, it is biomorphic; the new chair was designed to be curvilinear. It was designed to be the most ergonomically correct chair imaginable. There is not one straight line in the Aeron chair.
And how was this new design received? People hated it! Focus groups complained that it was ugly and experts despised it. The Aeron broke the accepted conventions of what a chair should look like. The chair was so new and different that people couldn’t accept its superior design.
Herman Miller persevered and took the Aeron to market in spite of criticism, believing in their unique chair design. Today the Aeron is Herman Millers best selling chair ever. In 1999 the Industrial Designers Society of America named the Aeron chair as one of 36 “Designs of the Decade,” and the only Gold award winner in the furniture category. Others have hailed the Aeron among the best-designed consumer products of the past 100 years. The Aeron chair looks like itself and its unique form expresses its purpose and use. The Aeron is a chair that dared to be different.
How about you? In what areas of your life is God calling you out? Are you seeking to fulfill your God-given design, or do you look to the approval and acceptance of others? Are you willing to stand alone; to go against the flow? Are you willing to create culture; to be a unique, one-of-a-kind design? By God’s grace, let’s dare to be different!
For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Sunday Snapshots
Our Beloved Bernice
I think I've met my match. I, more than anyone, am committed to creating space for one more person. But I just don't seem to understand Bernice! She's aloof, hardheaded and difficult to communicate with. I'm sure every church has someone like her. Today she was helping staff the Missions Bake Sale table. I appreciate her heart for missions, but I question her people skills.
It's exciting to be part of a church where God is at work. Here are some snapshots from today:
- The Griffith's were with us and Rick preached.
- Adele Booysen was commissioned. You can read more about Adele and her ministry on her blog.
- Tammany Block was in the lobby to share about her upcoming ministry with the Logos II and Operation Mobilization.
- The Day Campers sang two songs that they learned at camp. They were awesome!
Pastor Tye taught the lesson in Children's Church. He showed up with his bike, wearing his cycling gear! - Judy, Morgan and Mackenzie Male drove in from Ohio around noon to join Tye, Andrew and Allyson.
- There was a Reception for Adele and the Griffith's this evening. It was a wonderful time of interaction.
The thing I love about New Covenant is that you never know what to expect when you show up on Sundays. This morning was no exception. Click on the picture above to see a slideshow of all that took place today. Now, if I could just figure out Bernice!
Friday, July 22, 2005
27 Students, Three Sponsors, Two Pastors and One Heart
Our SEMP Team returned today and shared what God had done in their lives this past week. The Students Equipped To Minister to Peers conference is held annually at Wheaton College and teaches students how to share their faith. During this past week our teens experienced God through worship, serving, listening, writing letters to their friends, sharing and loving.
Our students returned better equipped to share their faith, but God did much more. God not only broke their hearts for the lost, but He also knit their hearts to one another. A transformed heart is a remarkable thing. Words weren't needed to describe what these students and adults experienced this past week. The looks on their faces, the tears in their eyes, and their expressions of affection for one another said it all.
I watched and listened this afternoon as the SEMP Team shared from their hearts. On Saturday, one week ago, they left as friends and acquaintances; today they returned as family. They left as 27 students, three sponsors, and two pastors, and they returned with one heart. Jesus give us your heart for people.
When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the worker are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Matthew 9:36-38
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Living For What's Eternal
Knapp and Storms Towers at ISU
It's official, you can now call me old! Today two of the four beloved Towers were imploded to the ground. Wilson and Knapp Halls were my home at Iowa State from 1969 to 1974. Back in the olden days, the four Towers dormitories were considered "state of the art!" Wilson Hall had just been built the year I moved in. Today, Knapp and Storms were reduced to rubble. Could I possibly be that old? After all, Friley Hall was ancient when I was a student on campus and it's still standing!
If my schedule would have allowed, I would have liked to have been in Ames today to witness this historic occasion. These four halls represented more than a place to sleep and live. The Towers was the place that I met Mark Flage. I was a shy, frightened freshman from a small town in Iowa and Mark invited me to a softball game with some other students. I later learned that Mark was a committed follower of Jesus Christ who was involved with a campus group called The Navigators. Mark became one of my best friends and helped me understand how to walk with God. I tell people that I liked Mark so well, that I decided to marry his sister!
The Towers was the place that I met with other young men for Bible study, learning to search the Scriptures for myself. It's where I learned how to share my faith. It's where I learned how to pray and trust God. It's where I asked God to take my life and use me any way He pleased. It's where I heard God's call to be a builder of men, leaving behind a childhood dream of becoming an architect.
The buildings are gone, but the memories and spiritual foundation that I built while living in the Towers remain. Today I've been reminded again, of the importance of living for what's eternal.
As he was leaving the temple, one of his disciples said to him, "Look, Teacher! What massive stones! What magnificent buildings!" "Do you see all these great buildings?" replied Jesus. "Not one stone here will be left on another: every one will be thrown down." Mark 13:1-2
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Creating Culture
Ancient painting of Jesus on the wall of the catacombs
I’m old enough to remember that any manufactured goods that were stamped “Made in Japan” were considered a cheap imitation, and “Made in the USA” was a mark of quality and pride. The US was the standard by which all other countries were measured. This “great experiment of self-government”, guided by the hand of God, created a country that was the envy of the entire world. How things have changed!
What began as a “shining city on a hill” has become a cheap imitation. We have abandoned our faith and lost our moral compass. We have lost our identity, becoming like the nations around us. Our affluence only masks the cry of our soul.
A life lived apart from God is a life of imitation. To live as a follower of Christ is to live an authentic life, fully alive and fully human. The nation of Israel was deported to Assyria as punishment for their rebellion against God. Their indictment? They had rejected God and had imitated the nations around them. They had become a cheap imitation rather than a light to the nations.
As Christ followers, we are called to transform culture. The early church turned their world upside down. What started out as a small sect of Christians eventually transformed music, art, architecture, education, and literature.
We need to return to this kind of primal faith. We need to follow Jesus into the arts, into the media, into literature, into politics, into the marketplace, into cyber space, and into the church. We need authentic disciples, no imitations or imposters allowed. We need followers of Jesus who have the courage to create culture, not conform to it.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Creative Communication
I found this neat web site that allows you to spell with Flickr photo images. Give it a try, it's a lot of fun! And while you are at it, check out the Human Clock. You can click on "view the clock" and then select analog or digital!
I love creativity! Look at the variety of fonts and graphic styles captured in the letter images. It's a reminder to me of the creativity of God, and that we are fashioned in His image. God loves variety, diversity and creative expression! The entire universe display God's creative nature.
Have you ever thought that we might run out of things to do and say with just 26 letters in the alphabet? After all, there are only 26! Haven't we invented every word possible and put them in every conceivable sentence combination? Or have we? These 26 simple letters can be used in an infinite number of ways to communicate complex ideas, concepts, emotions and intentions. And because we are made in the image of God, we will never run out of new ideas to convey, new emotions to express, and new dreams to communicate. And we do it all with just 26 letters!
How about you? How is God's creative design evident in your life? What is He trying to say through you?
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Real Men Eat Steak
Ray, the Grill Meister
The charcoal was white hot, the beef was center cut, and the speaker was top notch. The Annual Men's Steak Out provided nourishment for the body as well as the soul. I especially enjoyed having Josh, Jon, Lucas and one of their friends with me tonight.
Carl Gonder shared about how God has used failures in his life to help him grow. In a time of true confession, Carl admitted that he brought chicken to grill instead of steak! And in a moment of contrition, he promised to bring beef next year. Carl challenged the young men and old alike, to not fear failure. He encouraged us to move beyond our comfort zones and to take steps of faith.
Every man knows that there is more to life than safety and comfort. Every man knows deep in his heart that he has been created to live a heroic life. Every man knows that he is called to live for something bigger than himself. Every man knows that you bring red meat to a Steak Out! Every man knows that real men eat steak! We love you Carl!
Taking Jesus To The Streets
Car Wash
Our equipping staff tried something new this week. On Tuesday, we wrapped up our staff meeting an hour early in order to visit our business neighbors in the immediate area. We went out in five teams and in invited 73 businesses and their employees to stop by today from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM for a free car wash and food.
The turn out wasn't what we hoped for, so we honed our washing skills on over 20 staff and volunteers cars! Several teens and some of our support staff also helped us with the car wash and food. Regardless of the results, it was good for us to get into the neighborhood and to meet our neighbors. We don't want to keep Jesus locked up behind four walls, accessible only to those who enter our doors. We want to take Jesus into our community. We want to take Jesus to the streets.
How about you? How are you taking Jesus into your community? Let's encourage and pray for one another in this great mission!
Then he said to his servants, "The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come. Go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find." Matthew 22:8-9
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
A Beautiful Day
Baptism at Palo Lake
What an incredible evening! The food was great, the weather was superb, the worship was uplifting, and the baptisms and testimonies were inspiring. Palo Lake provided a picturesque setting as 29 children and adults identified with Christ through baptism. Click on the picture above to see a slideshow of the picnic and baptism.
There is nothing more beautiful than a life that has been touched by the hand of God. I never get tired of hearing someone share how their life has been transformed by Christ. My heart was touched as fathers baptized their sons and daughters, publicly declaring their faith in Christ. It was an evening of celebration and praise. In more ways that one, it was a beautiful day.
Monday, July 11, 2005
Chicago Skyline
Sharon, Kim, Jon and Josh
We enjoyed having Jason home for the weekend. We drove him back to Chicago on Sunday and took in a baseball game and some other sightseeing. Click on the picture above to see a slideshow of our trip. As you can see, we had a great time.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
God's Incredibles
Pastor Mick
Our Day Camp began today with 66 pre-school children in attendance. There was a lot of excitement in the air as Pastor Mick, Abby C, Bubba Gum, and Hick Boy explored the creation of man, God’s Incredibles!
There is something special about the innocence and sincerity of children. When Jesus’ disciples asked him who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, he called a little child to stand among them. And he told his followers that unless they changed and became like little children, they would never enter the kingdom of heaven. He went on to say that whoever humbles himself like a child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Jesus words could not be stronger. He told his followers that their attitudes were entirely wrong and needed to be changed or converted.
The disciples were interested in position, rank and title; Jesus was interested in character. The disciples were interested power; Jesus was interested in influence. The disciples were interested in pre-eminence; Jesus was interested in humility. The disciples were interested in external demonstrations of greatness; Jesus was interested in the greatness of internal transformation.
There is something refreshing about hanging out with children. They experience life in a genuine and an unpretentious way. Children are God’s special gift to teach us about greatness. Children are incredible!
How about you, what way of thinking has God pointed out in your life that needs changing?
And he said: “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
Monday, July 04, 2005
Breakfast, A Book and My Boys
Jon and Josh ~ Servants In The Making
Josh, Jon and myself have enjoyed studying the book Uprising together over the past few months. We finished it up this morning over breakfast at the Hy-Vee kitchen, one of our favorite hangout spots! If there is a better way to start the day than with breakfast, a book and my boys, I don’t know about it. This is as good as it gets!
The last chapter is probably my favorite. God is calling us to an uprising, a revolution of the soul! As we celebrate our freedom this 4th of July, may we seek the freedom that is ours in Christ and use it to serve others. The quotes below are from Uprising by Erwin McManus.
The way of God is the path of servanthood. This is not a test to see if we deserve better. It is God offering us the best of Himself and the best of life. God calls us to the servant way because God is a servant.
Is it possible that the reason the servant will have the primary place, that the least will share in God’s greatness, is that here is where God has been all along? If we push ourselves to the top, we are pushing ourselves away from the presence of God. When we move ourselves to the place of servanthood, we join God in His eternal purpose. When we serve others, we look strangely like God.
What would the world look like, what would we look like, if we became like Him? The One who wrapped a towel around His waist and washed His disciple’s feet invites us to become like Him in His servanthood. This is the ultimate destination, to become the person God dreams of and to share those dreams with others.
Saturday, July 02, 2005
American Gothic
American Gothic
We enjoyed the walking tour of the American Gothic Picture Perfect Parodies today in downtown Cedar Rapids. Click on the picture above to see a slide show of our day. Notice the sling on Jon's left arm! We had a great afternoon.
Go With The Flow
X-Ray of Jon's wrist
Yesterday started out like every other Friday evening this summer with our family at Jon’s Linn-Mar baseball game. The gentle breeze was a welcome relief from the hot, humid weather. The team was doing well, but things were about to abruptly change. The opposing team hit a pop fly into short center field. Our short stop was giving hard pursuit while Jon was charging in from center field. And then suddenly, without warning, the two fielders collided into one another. The short stop caught the ball but Jon appeared to be injured. He came off the field in noticeable pain, holding his left wrist. A trip to the ER confirmed our fears of a broken bone. The ER physician took one look at the x-ray and diagnosed the break as a compression fracture of the wrist. He pointed out the damaged area and said, “The body doesn’t do right angles, it always flows.”
I’ve begun to notice that everything God creates has flow. God’s entire created world exhibits design, rhythm, and continuity. Listen to the wind as it rustles through the leaves. Look at the ocean waves as they glisten in the sun and wash onto the shore. Gaze at the fire as the flames flicker and dance in the air. Look at your thumb print, twisting and turning as it creates an intricate pattern that is unlike any other. Admire the rocky spires of the mountains as they jut upward into the sky. God’s created universe flows out of His character and expresses His nature.
When we align our lives with God’s eternal purpose, we begin to live in the flow of His Spirit. Jesus described the person who believes in Him as having streams of living water flowing from within him. We are told in Matthew 12:34 that out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. Romans 5:15 tells us that the gift of God’s grace in Jesus Christ overflows to us! And in 1 Thessalonians 3:12 Paul prays that the Lord will make their love increase and overflow for each other. Our very life is to be lived in flow with the Spirit of God.
Which brings us back to broken bones and baseball games. When the hot, humid days of adversity overcome the cool, comfortable days of predictability, we can trust in the character of God. The same God creates them both. And though we don’t quite understand the ways of God, we acknowledge that our days are in His hands. Because we cannot change the past, we choose to live today in tune with the Spirit of God who lives within us, depending on His power to transform us into the image of Christ.
When the path of life seems to take an abrupt turn, and we begin to doubt the goodness of God, we can take comfort in the character of God. We find reassurance as we remember that God doesn’t do right angles. His will and His nature always flow straight from His heart. In good times and in bad we learn to go with the flow.
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