I found this neat web site that allows you to spell with Flickr photo images. Give it a try, it's a lot of fun! And while you are at it, check out the Human Clock. You can click on "view the clock" and then select analog or digital!
I love creativity! Look at the variety of fonts and graphic styles captured in the letter images. It's a reminder to me of the creativity of God, and that we are fashioned in His image. God loves variety, diversity and creative expression! The entire universe display God's creative nature.
Have you ever thought that we might run out of things to do and say with just 26 letters in the alphabet? After all, there are only 26! Haven't we invented every word possible and put them in every conceivable sentence combination? Or have we? These 26 simple letters can be used in an infinite number of ways to communicate complex ideas, concepts, emotions and intentions. And because we are made in the image of God, we will never run out of new ideas to convey, new emotions to express, and new dreams to communicate. And we do it all with just 26 letters!
How about you? How is God's creative design evident in your life? What is He trying to say through you?
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