Neither snow, nor sleet, nor ice covered roads could keep this group of people away from the Membership Class this past weekend! 57 people fought through icey roads and traffic on Friday night to get to the church. This was one committed group of people!
This is the largest Membership Class in my 14 years at New Covenant! You can click on the picture above to see a slideshow of our weekend. The size of our group made it necessary to hold the class in the Activity Center. The seating arrangement around tables and the use of "huddle questions" helped people to connect with one another in spite of the large class size.
We gave out some awards on Friday night. Bob won the prize for the person who has been attending the longest (25 years), and Charmaine, and Brian and Amy won the prize for those who are the newest (six weeks). It was a pleasure getting to know this group of people this weekend.
Our next Membership Weekend is scheduled for March 24-26. Hopefully the sun will be shining and the temperature will be above 32 degrees! But regardless of the weather, we are committed to growing great lives on mission for Christ! See you at the cross.
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