Lloyd Reeb
It's hard to believe! That's a common phrase for those of us in halftime.
- It's hard to believe that our children have left home.
- It's hard to believe that our children have completed college and haven't left home!
- It's hard to believe that I'm this old.
- It's hard to believe that we've lived here this long.
For me, it's hard to believe that our Ignite Halftime Conference with our special speaker, Lloyd Reeb, is this coming weekend! Wow, this has gone from a vision to a full-blown event in a years time. We have over 120 already registered for Friday evening and over 100 registered for Saturday!
And of course, as good as the Conference will be, an event like this merely surfaces the issues that need to be addressed. For this reason, we will be offering several ten week, Ignite Halftime small groups for further study and application.
Over the next ten years we're going to see an increasing number of people begin to invest their resources and lives for the sake of the kingdom. What kind of impact can our Halftimers have on Cedar Rapids and the world? It's hard to imagine!
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. Ephesians 3:20
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