Dan Koskamp
We had a great Annual Meeting tonight. We voted to approve the FY07 budget and new Elders and Deacons. We heard exciting updates regarding our new property (it's now paid for!), Embracing Faith stewardship campaign, and the New Facility Planning Team. What an awesome time to be involved at New Covenant! I don't think we need to worry about becoming complacent!
At the end of the meeting we honored Dan Koskamp with a standing ovation. Dan is completing six years on the Elder Board, the last two as Chairman. As is our custom, we presented Dan with a framed Timothy Botts, Colossians 1:28 print.
Dan has been a tremendous leader and will be greatly missed on our Elder Board. New Covenant is truly blessed with tremendous leaders who know how to serve. And Dan is right there at the top of the list.
Here are some of the things I most appreciate about Dan:
- His humble attitude and dependence upon God
- His prayers that lead me to the heart of God
- His willingness to trust God for big things
- His commitment to our mission and vision
- His tender heart
- His competitive spirit
- His love for the Word
Thank you Dan for the blessing you have been to our entire church family. Thank you for showing us how to be both tough and tender, servant and leader, all at the same time. It's a priviledge to serve together with you. Well done!
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