The Pew Internet & American Life Project issued the results of a new study on blogging last week. Among other things, the Report indicates that:
- Eight percent of internet users, or about 12 million American adults, keep a blog.
- Thirty-nine percent of internet users, or about 57 million American adults, read blogs.
- Eight-four percent of bloggers are 49 years of age or younger!
Yikes, I'm the old man. I would have responded to the Pew Survey on blogging but my telegraph was down and the Pony Express no longer stops at my house. For all you younger "whipper snappers" who use all that "new fangled" electronic media like telephones, television and the internet, here are a few ways you can make your blog reading more enjoyable.
- You can subscribe to blogs using a web-based blog reader like Bloglines. Bloglines is a free online service for searching, subscribing, creating and sharing news feeds, blogs and other web content. Bloglines makes it easy for me to follow 30 plus blogs, telling me when blog authors have added new articles or content that I haven't yet read.
- If you use a web portal like MyYahoo or MyMSN, you can subscribe to many blogs on your home page using RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds. My blog has icons at the bottom of the right hand column you can use to subscribe to my RSS feed, pushing new content to you home page shortly after it is published.
Wow, I've got to go. I didn't realize that it's past my nap time. I need to get a glass of warm milk and some rest. This typing wears me out. Until next time boys and girls!
It's about time you did something on the lighter side for your usual Monday blog entry! You are so creative and this is one implementer/refiner that is glad to be serving alongside you!!!
I must agree with Tye and just say ROFLOL!! What a fun read and thanks for the usfually blog sites.
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