We enjoyed a wonderful rehearsal dinner last Friday evening at Freddie Paul's Steakhouse in Stillwater. We had great food and a good time of interaction. You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of the dinner and some of our other activities the day before the wedding.
Each person at the rehearsal dinner had the opportunity to share a humorous story or memory of Ryan or Natalie. We enjoyed some good laughs and got to know both Ryan and Natalie better. At the end of the evening, the Pagel family began a new family tradition. Each of us gave Natalie a "welcome to the family" gift. Jon gave Natalie a Uno game - we taught Natalie Polish Uno when she came to Cedar Rapids to visit several months ago. Josh gave her a Hawkeye coffee mug - Josh is a Hawk fan and Natalie loves coffee. Jason gave Natalie a bag of Starbucks coffee - he works at Starbucks, enough said! Sharon gave Natalie some Dove chocolate and a pink Iowa stocking hat - something she will need when she comes to visit us in the winter. And I gave Natalie an Iowa State University key chain - I graduated from ISU, Natalie from OSU! In addition I gave her the little teddy bear that I went out and bought Ryan the day he was born. A guy can never have enough teddy bears!
We traveled to Stillwater last week to participate in a wedding. But more importantly, we welcomed our new daughter to our family. And in the process we began a new family tradition.
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