We had our Halftime Summit this morning with about 25 in attendance. Wayne Smith and John Leffin from the Halftime organization were with us on Friday for a Collaborative Day and then the Summit on Saturday. Halftime is the season of life that offers the opportunity to look back on what you’ve accomplished, understand who you are and then redirect your time and talent for an even more purposeful second half.
The concept of halftime is a big issue. More than 12,000 people turn 50 every day in the US. These halftimers are looking for ways to live the second half of their lives with meaning and purpose. It's exiting to think how the ministry of New Covenant will be shaped in the years to come by halftimers who want more out of life than traditional "retirement" has to offer.
Today we worked on identifying our talents, passion and mission statement. I've worked on my mission statement before so I used the time for examination and refinement. I have concluded that the thing that I'm the most passionate about is servant leadership and leading with integrity. So here is what I came up with today. To mobilize and mentor teams of servant leaders who create healthy environments for growth.
I'm now 55 years old. Yikes, how did that happen! Age motives me to live with more intentionality. Every day is a gift and there are no promises for tomorrow. Pastor Ray was only 62 when he went home to be with the Lord. So I want to live each day with purpose and invest my life into what is eternal. And increasingly, for me this means that I want to be involved in mobilizing and mentoring servant leaders who lead with integrity.
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