The extended Flage family gathered today in Waukon in northeast Iowa to help celebrate Gladys' 90th birthday. Family members traveled from Georgia, Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa to be together for this special event. You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of the day.
God has been good to give Gladys 90 full years. It was an awesome time reconnecting and interacting with family.
The day was especially meaningful for myself and the entire Flage family as the party was held at Zalomona Presbyterian Church in Ludow, Iowa. This is the church that all six children attended growing up on the farm. It's the church that Sharon and I were married in, in 1977. It's the church where Sharon's father's funeral was held, and the place of his burial in the adjoining cemetery. And it's the place of rest for Frederick Flege, Sharon's great grandfather.
Our families are growing, expanding and changing. During this past year there have been two weddings, several graduations and some important birthdays! By God's grace, our lives continue to move forward. Life always moves forward, it never pauses or stops.
It's good to be reminded of our past and of God's faithfulness to us over the years. But the past is valuable only to the extent that helps us move into the future. Our lives are not meant to be a monument or memorial to the past, but a movement that inspires others to step into the future. Life is meant to be lived looking forward, not backward.
There are new opportunities to explore, new challenges to undertake and new promises to claim. There is a new generation watching and waiting for their turn to lead. What encouragement and gift will we give them for their journey?
On the way home in the car this evening I was talking to Josh and Jon about the day and some of my thoughts. Sharon stayed behind in Waukon to spend time with her family. I told the boys that if Sharon lives to be 90 and if I have passed away, to make sure that they throw her a great 90th birthday party. I explained that daughters are often the ones who take the lead in caring for their parents. And with four boys, they would need to step up and take initiative.
What they shared with me next floored me. Jon said, "Don't worry dad. Jason, Josh and I have made a pact to make sure that our families stay close. We will take care of mom." I was speechless as the tears streamed down my face. My boys have become men. They are ready to move into the future with faith and confidence. They are ready to take what they've been given and make their mark on the world.
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing Gladys' special day with the rest of the family who weren't able to attend. Loved the pictures, especially seeing my mom, Jean Hagen.
Blessings to you and Sharon,
Sandy Meier
Lytham St Annes
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