Yesterday was the Open House for our Washington High School campus. Wow, what an exciting morning! I was helping greet at one of the doors and people just kept coming.
After months of prayer and planing, our Wash Campus has become a reality! I have to admit, it felt a little strange greeting people with, "Welcome to New Covenant!"
But New Covenant it was. Thanks to our tremendous volunteers, Wash was transformed into a warm, inviting place of worship. Over 160 people came to check out our new campus. It was a pretty exciting morning! You can click on the photo above to see a slideshow.
Today, over 7300 postcards were mailed out to homes around Washington High School. This Sunday is our official public Grand Opening. Pray for those who receive the mailing and that hearts would be prepared to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.
A special "thank you" to our Launch Team and all those who are involved in making this dream become a reality. May God be glorified as we work together to bring New Covenant to the Wash neighborhood.
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