This morning during my quiet time I read Jeremiah 29:7.
Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.
Israel was about to be taken into captivity to Babylon. There was a lot of confusion and mixed messages regarding God's will. Out of this seeming disaster Jeremiah speaks to his people with clarity and confidence - to seek the peace and prosperity of the city of their exile. Absolutely incredible!
I knew that today was the Redevelopment Plan Open House downtown. This was the third meeting soliciting feedback regarding the redevelopment vision and plan for our community. As a follow of Christ who loves my city, I knew that I would probably be good for me to attend this meeting. But after reading this Scripture this morning, I knew that I had to attend.
And so late morning I made my way down to the Crowne Plaza ballroom. It was good to see the long-range vision regarding what our city may one day look like. It was good to hear the concerns and questions from affected homeowners as they try to gather information in order to make a decision on their property. And it was good seeing our community leaders making themselves accessible, answering questions and listening to concerns.
I was reminded again today that it's not business as usual in our city. The future of our Cedar Rapids is up for grabs. As followers of Christ we need to pray for our city and seek its prosperity. We need to engage the process and help make Cedar Rapids all it can be.
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