Please pray for Fargo, North Dakota as they prepare and brace for the worst flood in their history. Fargo, our hopes, prayers and volunteers are with you this weekend.
March 27 Update
Residents in this city of 92,000 had been scrambling in subfreezing temperatures to pile sandbags along the river and spent much of Thursday preparing for a crest of 41 feet, only to have forecasters late in the day add up to 2 feet to their estimate.
The National Weather Service said in its follow-up statement that the Red was expected to crest between 41 and 42 feet by Saturday, but could reach 43 feet. It said water levels could remain high for three days to a week — a lengthy test of on-the-fly flood control.
The first estimate sparked urgency among thousands of volunteers in Fargo. The second shook their spirits.
Hydrologists are now estimating that the Red River will crest at 43 feet, over three feet past the previous high-water mark. After watching a similar catastrophic flood in Cedar Rapids and then an unprecedented national financial melt-down, I thinks it's safe to say that we are living in unusual times. You can throw your risk assessment, flood plain maps, and future predictions based on historical trend analysis out the window!
Here's the bottom line. We live in a world that is very unpredictable and full of risk. The harder we try to tame our environment and reduce risk, the harder it pushes back. This world is not our home. All of creation is groaning under the weight of sin, waiting for redemption. Our world is fraught with risk and danger. We will only know real peace and security when we shed this body to get to our true home in heaven.
In the mean time, pray for those who are going through lifes trials. And when possible, lend a hand and be the body of Christ in word and deed. And realize that even lifes unpredictable events do not take God by surprise ... and we shouldn't be surprised either. In this life we should come to anticipate and welcome the unpredictable, asking God to use it all for His glory.
Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you particpate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. 1 Peter 4:12-13
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