I'm excited to let you know that to date almost $70,000 has been donated to the Zimbabwe Drilling Rig Fund! A special "thank you" to all who contributed to this cause!
$165,000 was the total for the entire Drilling Rig Project. However, reaching $89,000 would enable us to purchase the drilling rig, ship it to Zimbabwe and purchase a vehicle to tow the rig. Anything that is raised over and above $89,000 will go toward the cost of drilling individual wells. New Covenant plans to donate $34,000 through our Advent Conspiracy Offering that would drill 10 wells!
If you have not yet done so, you can still give to this project online or by check. Help us reach our goal! All gifts go directly to MCDF. MCDF is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization and is a New Covenant Kingdom Partner. And best of all, 100% of your gift goes to the Drilling Rig Project. There are no administrative or overhead fees!
To Give Online
- Go to www.mcdforphans.org and click on the Donate link.
- On the Donate page click on the “Donate” button at the center of the page. If you don’t have a Pay Pal account, click the “Continue” link under the credit card logos.
- Fill out the credit card information.
- When you get to the payment confirmation page you will be asked for “Any Special Instructions?” Enter “Kim Pagel Rig Fund”.
- Checks should be made payable to MCD Orphans.
- Write “Kim Pagel Rig Fund” in the memo line.
- Mail checks to Dennis Matangira, 670 Beaver Hollow CT SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403
This is a Win, Win, Win proposition:
- 7500 children in Zimbabwe Win. Most of these children are orphans. If we don’t help them, no one will! Schools will receive clean drinking water, families will be able to grow self-sustaining gardens, villages will be transformed, women and children will spend less time gathering water, churches will be planted and the gospel will be preached!
- Mushayamunda Christian Development Foundation Wins. God has given this Christian ministry incredible favor with the village leaders and the government. This drilling rig will help MCDF drill more wells, plant more churches and to share Christ more effectively. Your gift enables MCDF to share the Good News and the good works of the Gospel with their own people.
- You Win! Giving to this important project will help you put your faith in action and store up treasure in heaven. James 1:19 says – “Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”
This is something that we must do! Together, this is a God-sized vision that we can accomplish for His glory. Thank you for helping!
1 comment:
It seems like it was just yesterday when you started to plan this project. And just months after, you already raised $70,000. That's definitely a great start. I could already imagine the children’s happy smiles when the drilling rigs arrive at their town and start the whole process.
Jermaine Ryan @ Load Craft
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