Monday, April 02, 2007

Smile Because It Happened

We're in the Ft. Myers airport waiting for our flight to Detroit. We were supposed to fly to Memphis at 12:15 but fog and inclement weather delayed all their flights, making it impossible to catch our connecting flight to Moline. So we are flying through Detroit instead.

We've had an incredibly relaxing time this past week. The change of pace along with beautiful Sanibel Island refreshed our soul. Sharon and I enjoyed the extended time alone with God, one another and my dad. Thanks dad for being such a fantastic host!

But it's now time to rejoin life in Cedar Rapids. It will take a day or two to come back up to speed. Just putting shoes and socks on my feet this morning felt unusual!

I saw a quote this week that I really like. It's from the famous philosopher and writer, Dr. Seuss. "Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened."

So today Sharon and I are smiling. We are smiling because of all the wonderful experiences and memories that we made this week. We are smiling because it happened.


Anonymous said...

What a great quote! You have a talent for picture taking; I really enjoy all the photos. (I am a scrapbooker).

Kim Pagel said...

Ya, I love the quote! Thanks for compliment on the pictures. It's something I love to do.