Monday, June 20, 2011

Prime The Pump

Water changes everything! And when offered along with Living Water, it can make an eternal impact! Sharon and I are excited about a water project that we are working on this summer.

Why drill one well when you can help purchase a drilling rig? We are praying about doing just that so that villages in Zimbabwe can have clean water, so that women and children can go to school, and that communities can grow gardens for food.

Sharon and I can't do this alone. But we can use our finances, influence, skills and time to get the ball rolling. Or should I say, to prime the pump!

Stay tuned. More to come this summer!


Kayla Reuter said...

This is really cool! It reminds me of the Spilling Hope movement that is happening at Bethany Community Church in Seattle, WA. I will be covering their activities in an article on July 2nd on my company's website (

Perhaps you could partner with this church! :)

May God bless the work you are doing!

Kim Pagel said...

Thanks Kayla for your comment and lead. I will check into what Bethany Community Church is doing.