New Covenant hosted the Children's Candle Light Memorial Service this evening. December 10 has been designated by The Compassionate Friends as a day of world wide candle lighting for children who have died. Dennis Sharp helped organize the service in Cedar Rapids. You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of the event.
It was a very solemn moment as children's names were read and family came forward to light a candle in their remembrance. I was reminded anew that my Heavenly Father knows what it's like to loose a son. That I have a Savior who understands what it's like to experience loss. And that the pain and heart ache that I experience in this life point me to my real home in heaven, where all the longings of my heart will one day be fulfilled.
But in the mean time, we are left with the pain of unanswered questions and unrealized expectations. Tonight was a night of remembrance. We remembered the lives of children who have passed on before us. And we remembered that in the midst of our pain, we have a God who is with us. A God who weeps with us yet promises to one day wipe away every tear.
He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. Revelation 21:4
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