The Sojourners Adult Bible Fellowship celebrated their Christmas Party tonight at Rick and Susan Kruchers home. We enjoyed a great time of fellowship, a bingo icebreaker game, a wide variety of good food and a fun white elephant gift exchange. You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of our evening.
It's great to have a group of friends to have fun with on a Friday evening. Laughter is good medicine for the soul! The UFO fiber optic lamp was the most popular gift, getting selected several times. It would be a great addition to any family room! Richard did a nice job of modeling it for us, only to have the lamp snatched from his possession. But Sharon Barrett-Kramer had the last pick and was able to recapture the treasured lamp.
Now it's true confession time. Sharon committed the cardinal sin of white elephant gift exchange. She left her gift at the Krucher's home when we left. It was an innocent oversight on her part, but an unpardonable offense just the same. Rick and Susan, I'm really sorry and apologize for Sharon's forgetfulness. We are guilty, please forgive us!
There is no snow on the ground yet this winter. But that didn't stop us this evening from celebrating a white elephant Christmas.
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