The 30th running of the LaSalle Bank Chicago Marathon is now in the books. Sharon and I drove to Chicago to cheer on Jason and Jonathan. Matt McDowell rode with us and also ran in the marathon. Little did we know how memorable this marathon would become!
The marathon was run on Sunday morning. A heat-wave settled in several days earlier on the mid-west, sending the temperatures into the 90's. Running a marathon in summer-like conditions is very difficult and most runners are not trained in how to run in the heat. Last year the temperature for the Chicago Marathon was in the 30's, with runners wearing gloves and long-sleeved shirts. What a difference a year makes.
The Chicago Marathon is one of the largest in the world, with 45,000 runners registered to take part. The high temps chased away almost a quarter of the field with only 35,000 runners starting the race at 8:00 AM. Sharon, Erin and myself where able catch the action at Moody Bible Institute as the race went north on LaSalle and then came back down on Wells. We then grabbed the brown line train and red line subway to Chinatown where we were able to see Jason and Jon pass by around the 21 mile mark. We jogged about five blocks east and were able to catch them again as they passed by on Michigan Avenue with just one mile left! You can click on the picture above to see a slideshow of the day.
The high heat and humidity made it difficult for even the experienced marathon runners. Morning temperatures got into the 80's and one temperature gauge atop a bank near mile 23 read 96-degrees around 12:15 PM. The temperature gauge on our van still read 81 degrees at 7:00 PM on our drive back to Cedar Rapids.
At 11:30 AM marathon officials made the decision to cancel the race. Over 300 people were treated at area hospitals and first aid stations. A 35 year-old police officer from Michigan collapsed on the course and died. Ambulances were called in from 30 out-lying communities to assist. Runners who were still on the course at 11:45 were instructed to stop running and take a bus or walk back to Grant Park.
As we walked the course earlier in the day, we say countless runners, most who looked very athletic and fit, walking off the course in exhaustion. Only 4000 runners completed the race by the time it was called at 11:30 AM. In spite of the heat, 25,000 runners still managed to complete the race.
All this to say that we were so proud of Jason, Jon and Matt. Jason ran a 3.33.59, an incredible time in any kind of weather! Jon was running in his first marathon and was hoping to come in under four hours - he ran a 3.52.28! He began to cramp up and had to stop to stretch on the second half of the course. And Matt got heat sickness and couldn't hold any fluids or food down after mile 15. In spite of dehydration, Matt crossed the finish line at 5.25.24. He walked most of the last 10 miles! Matt, you're the man!
It was an inspirational day as we watched men and women, young and old, take on the 26.2 mile challenge. Each person who ran was a winner. You're all champions!
1 comment:
nice slide show...darrin is my man!!
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