This being Clergy Appreciation Month, I want to share some thoughts regarding the great staff team I have the privilege of working with on a regular basis. This morning I was reading 2 Thessalonians 3 and came across these verses:
For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example. We were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyone's food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you. We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to make ourselves a model for you to follow. vs 7-9I'm thankful to work with men and women who seek to model what they teach. Who don't expect others to do what they are unwilling to do themselves. Who practice what they preach. "Real deal," servant-leaders who I love to follow because of the strength of their character.
Our staff aren't perfect by any means. But as we come together in unity, to share in our common mission, a beautiful pattern emerges out of our brokenness. As Pastor Bob mentioned last Sunday, "Can you see it?" Can you see the heart of Christ?
Let me tell you what I see.
- In Erin Bird I see faithfulness and thoroughness modeled. With Erin, every small detail and every person is attended to with care and thought.
- In Mark Eades I see a tender heart for God and middle school students modeled. With Mark, every student is important and every contribution appreciated.
- In Mark Forstrom I see creativity and humility modeled. With Mark, every generation and every student needs to discover a relationship with God in new and fresh ways.
- In Gary Hoobler I see a heart of worship modeled. With Gary, worship impacts the way he lives his life 24/7.
- In Tye Male I see a passion for God and people modeled. With Tye, life is an adventure to be experienced, not just talked about.
- In Colette Rieck I see a tender heart for children and the "least of these" modeled. With Colette, children are a treasured gift to be loved and valued.
- In Pat Rieck I see a love for adventure, action and big challenges modeled. With Pat, women are constantly challenged to push beyond their comfort zones as they ask the question, "So what?"
- In Mick Schultz I see the unrestrained joy and enthusiasm of a child modeled. With Mick, families are the place where faith in Christ is best explained and lived out.
- In James Wartian I see a passion for helping people understand the Word of God and a Christian worldview modeled. With James, everyone has a place in the mission, regardless of their age or occupation.
- In Bob Westfall I see the heart of a disciplemaking pastor who leads with authenticity and integrity modeled. With Bob, what you see is what you get, Flying Wienie and all!
- In Thomas Burris I see a young man who desires to see God use his life to make a difference for the kingdom. With Thomas, God's Word is valued and students are loved.
Can you see it? I think I see a pattern emerging. One that reflects the heart of God.
If you see it too, take time this week to jot our staff a note of appreciation. You will be blessed, the cause of Christ will be advanced and our staff will be encouraged!
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