Josh and his friend, Adam, wrote the following poem as part of a class writing assignment. I think the poem captures the meaning of the Christmas season. We need to remember that the cultural elite did not recognize God's coming in flesh.
The first Christmas witnessed the miraculous birth of a King, but it took place in a lowly manger. Mary and Joseph came to a simple inn keeper who was willing to create space for one more weary traveler. The Christ of Christmas has always been present for those who make room for Him.
Christmas was not meant to be a cultural holiday with tinsel, decorations and gift giving. This cultural imitation of Christmas is under siege and we would do well to let it die a quick and painless death. As followers of Christ who celebrate His coming to earth, Christmas is the day that God remembered us and sent His only son to save us from our sin. Christmas is Christ in us, the hope of glory; and He lives in the heart of every Christ follower.
We worship Him who is worthy 365 days a year, but we will pause on December 25th to remember and celebrate once again the miracle of His coming. In our families and in our homes, let's make room for our King! Might we know the freedom we have in Christ as we serve Him this Christmas!
Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the town
Not one room in the Inn, the couple left with a frown
Little did this innkeeper know he turned down The King
But God had a better plan, the angels did sing
They came across a manger; this is where they would stay
Unfit for a Savior, it offered nothing but hay
A humble baby was to be born that night
He would come to die for us without a fight
Word of a King soon traveled afar
Three wise men arrived, trusting God in the star
These men brought great gifts, for honor and praise
But we would worship Him in many other ways
Jesus didn't just come for the rich and the wise
But for the poor, the hurting, and even the ones we despise
He left a paradise in Heaven because of His love for us
To save us from sin, so we could give him our trust
Now this is what Christmas is all about
To give us life, without a doubt
Jesus is a free gift, if you choose to receive
God gave us a choice, to reject or believe