John Stonestreet
We had a great day with John Stonestreet today. Around 100 people came this morning to hear John talk about Thinking Like A Christian. I just have to tell you, John is awesome! John fleshes out what it means to love the Lord with all your mind. But his is not a dry academic head knowledge that is divorced from reality. John speaks with a heart of passion that is informed by the Scriptures and shaped by the grace of God.
John defines a worldview as a framework of basic beliefs we have that determines our view of and for the world. Our worldview identifies our basic assumptions regarding:
- Origin - Where did I come from?
- Identity - Who am I?
- Meaning - Why am I here?
- Morality - How should I live?
- Destiny - What happens when I die?
Our Biblical worldview informs our values which in turn shapes our behavior. Christians are to be known not by our correct theology, but by our love. In John 13:35 Jesus says that all men will know his followers by their love. Followers of Jesus allow his teaching to impact their values and behavior. Our actions reveal our beliefs and demonstrate our worldview to a watching world. Followers of Christ are known by their fruit.
In the afternoon John met with about 30 of our teens to talk about leadership. I'm looking forward to what John has to share tomorrow in the worship service. He will also be speaking on Entertainment and Media at 3:00 tomorrow afternoon.
Information carries ideas and ideas have consequences. So let me ask you; what foundational beliefs and ideas are you building your life on? What are the consequences of your assumptions and beliefs. And what will happen if you are wrong?
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. Colossians 2:8
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