I'm presently leading three Lead Like Jesus groups and I'm lovin' it! With this much input and reinforcement, I won't have any excuse over the next several months for sloppy or self-serving leadership!
This morning we talked about the leadership EGO. EGO is an acronym that stands for Edging God Out. We Edge God Out when we:
- Put something else in God's place as the object of our worship
- Rely on other sources for our security and significance
- Put others in God's place as our major audience and judge
It's important that leaders learn to deal with their egos, learning to submit themselves to the lordship of Christ and to one another. Pastor Ray always challenged us to check our agendas at the door, seeking God's will for His church. And he made us promise that we would never promote anyone to leadership who wasn't a servant leader. I am passionate about making sure that every leader and emerging leader at New Covenant knows how to lead like Jesus.
The hardest person to lead is always myself. The journey to servant leadership begins with my heart and my motives. Why do I do what I do? Am I a self-serving leader or a servant leader? These are important questions to ask myself because I can't lead others to places that I myself am unwilling to go. I need to model what I expect of others if I want to lead like Jesus.
How about you? What do you look for in a good leader? Is it possible to be both a leader and a servant at the same time?Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant. Matthew 20:26
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