We are leaving today for the Czech Republic. As always there are a bunch of last minute details, including updating my blog!
Provided that I have internet connection, I plan to make posts on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Those are the days we will be in Trinec. Ed and I will be training church leaders on Friday and Saturday. We return on Wednesday, October 26.
Please pray for our trip:
- Safety as we travel
- Logistics with flight arrangements and luggage - last January our luggage arrived a day later!
- That we would be an encouragement to Cindy, Bronek and Larisa
- Wisdom for Ed and I as we teach on servant leadership and strategic planning
- That we would be available to serve God's purpose and accomplish what He wants us to do on this trip
Thanks for your prayers. We will be having some people over when we return to debrief, show pictures and share stories of what God is doing. Let me know if you would like to be part of something like this. Talk to you later!
I would like to be part of this group to hear stories of how God is at work there!
I was praying for you this morning and suddenly thought, Will they be back before I leave? Will I get to say good-bye to the Pagels? Phew. I was glad to realize that you'll be back this month, and I'll get a chance to bid you adieu before I head off to Kenya.
How blessed we are at New Covenant to have you and Sharon. I've been thoroughly blessed getting to know the two of you a bit more this year.
Ubarikiwe (the Lord bless you and keep you),
We'll be praying for you guys! Thanks for helping be part of the "MOST" between our two churches.
Mark Forstrom
Wes and I would love to hear your sharing when you return!
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