For the past three months I have been working at creating space of a different kind; the space between my waist and my pants! I haven’t been measuring, but I would guess that I have freed up at least 2-3 inches!
Sharon and I have been working at developing new, more healthy eating habits. By God’s grace we have seen encouraging results and new patterns that we feel we can maintain as a way of life. This is new territory for me as I have never been able (or have been unwilling) to lose more than 10-15 pounds.
But this process has been more about a spiritual journey than about a diet. One of the keys for me is that Sharon and I are doing it together. The built-in accountability and support has been invaluable. Even though Sharon didn’t really need to “free up any space”, she has voluntarily joined me on this journey. For her, it has meant more meal planning and more food preparation. But it has been a rewarding process to mutually pray and work on this together. In a different kind of way, she has given me the gift of space!
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up! … A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10a, 12b
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