Today our team left for the Czech Republic. They will be leading an English Business Camp while they are there, teaching English, leading Bible reading discussions groups and business seminars. We are excited about this outreach and trust that the Lord will minister through each team member over the course of the next two weeks.
One of the things the team is taking with them is a DVD of the movie Most. Most means "bridge" in Czech. Click on the "Most" link in the previous sentence to see a trailer of the movie. The movie was shot on location in Czech Republic and Poland and is in the Czech language with English sub-titles. The movie shares the powerful message of redemption through a very moving story of a relationship between a father and his son. This is a "must see" movie. It received a 2003 Academy Award nomination for a live action short film. Erin and I saw a screening of the movie at the Origins Conference in May followed by a Q and A time with the two directors, William Zabka and Bobby Garabedian. I believe that God has prepared this movie to help communicate the gospel to the Czech people.
Our team will be showing this moving during the English Business Camp followed by a time of discussion in small groups. Pray that God would use this movie in a unique and powerful way, and that many spiritual discussions would follow. And pray that the Czech people would come to understand the meaning of the "most" important commandment ~ that they would love the Lord their God with all their heart, and with all their soul, and with all their mind, and with all their strength.
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