I had some new thougts regarding creating space for one more person. Dan Koskamp shared from 2 Samuel 9 in the Elder meeting last evening regarding David and Mephibosheth. David was actively looking for someone from the house of Saul to whome he could show kindness. Jonathan, son of Saul, was a special friend to David. And now David wanted to honor the memory of his friend and show kindness to his family. A search was made and only Mephibosheth was found, a son of Jonathan who was crippled in both feet. In a show of incredible generosity and kindness, David restored Mephibosheth's land and gave his entire family a spot at his royal table.
This story is a picture of the grace of God. We are crippled outcasts who God searches out and then invites to dine with him at his banquet table. And this isn't just a short visit or a spontaneous show of generosity. This is a permanent spot for our entire family. What an incredible picture of God's grace.
The meal table is a wonderful methaphor for the family of God. In a loving family, there is always room for one more person around the table... In the neighborhood and dropped by, no problem... Bringing friends home after school, have a seat... Just got engaged or maried, welcome to the family... A newborn just arrived, isn't she beautiful.
It's one thing to make room for those we already know. But it's quite another thing to be a family of grace that actively seeks out those who are disenfranchised to invite them in. It's one thing to welcome, it's another to invite. I want to be part of a church family that extends an open invitation and welcome to all. This Sunday, introduce yourself to someone you don't know, welcome a stranger, greet a friend. As Jesus told his disciples before sending them out, "Freely you have received, freely give."
And if you are new to New Covanant, welcome to the family and pull up a chair. There is always room at the cross and room in our church family for one more person. Welcome to the family!
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