Cindy Howard
It seems hard to believe that our time in Trinec has just about come to a close. How can that be possible? We just arrived. Once again, God has done above and beyond all that we could ask or think. We have absolutely loved seeing Cindy in the Czech culture. During a sharing time this evening with the Elders and their wives, Cindy expressed that she was going to be sad to see us leave. Three women immediately told Cindy, "You belong to us, you are now here!" Trinec is now Cindy's home. Pray that she will be able to learn the language as soon as possible in order to build relationships and make friends.
The Leadership Training seminar on Friday and Saturday was well received. On Saturday evening we had dinner with several people that Ed and Christine had met at the Business/English Camps. By the end of the evening two single women and one young couple told us that they would like to come to church with us on Sunday. This is quite unusual as most people do not attend church or value spiritual things.
All four showed up today at church. I preached on the life of Joseph. Over the course of the morning we learned that this was the first church service the one couple had ever attended. They were excited when I began speaking about Joseph, as they had see the Prince of Egypt movie! We pray that all four will come to place their faith in Christ.
This afternoon and evening we spent time with the Elders and their families. We had a great time of fellowship, wonderful dinner and supper, a casual walk, a question and answer time regarding the information we had covered over the weekend, and a wonderful time of prayer. One of the Elders said he has realized this weekend that the church needs to look at lost people differently. The church needs to break down walls that separates them from people and build friends with unbelievers. Under communism the church was persecuted and marginalized. Even in 1983, eight members of their church were put in jail. He said that now that they have freedom, they need to stop being afraid, and be more open with their faith.
During our Q and A session we talked about adult Sunday School or ABFs (they have never heard of anything like it), women's ministry, the role of food and refreshments :o), how we became interested in the Czech Republic and their church in particular, and the Love and Respect marriage seminar that Ed and Christine have taught before.
As we prepare to leave, it is clear that God has given us a special relationship with this group of believers. They are brainstorming and planning already about the renovation of their new building so that they can move in as soon as possible. They were making plans even this evening in preparation for their first day of work on the building tomorrow. The Trinec Church sends their thanks to New Covenant for our generous financial gift that helped make this dream a reality.
Over the past several days we have made new friends and strengthened old ones. Our love for one another has deepened. It's a joy and priviledge to partner together for the sake of the gospel!
We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us. 1 Thessalonians 2:8