My blog is #1! I can't believe it, but it's true. Let me explain. Someone found my blog yesterday from a Google search. That alone isn't unusual, that happens quite frequently.
There was something about this search that was different. The person did a search with the following word string: servant leaders working together in unity. Go ahead, do a Google search of your own.
Here's what you'll find - Creating Space For One More Person is listed #1! Wow! Now granted, the search string is rather specific. But still, my little blog site is listed #1 out of 1,410,000 search results.
Now, I realize that there's some irony in all of this. My kids are giving me a hard time. They say that a servant leader shouldn't care who's #1! True indeed.
So, go ahead and laugh if you must and give me a hard time if you want. I still can't believe that I could rank #1 in a Google search. So there you go. And now you know. Servant leader blog site rated #1!
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