E. coli
By now you have all probably heard about the outbreak of E. coli associated with spinach. 109 people have been infected in 19 states. Seth Godin wrote an excellent article yesterday titled, Look Me In The Eye. Take a look at the article and learn why Seth is still a spinach eater.
His point is that small organizations have the privilege of looking their customers in the eye. Small is not related to the size of an organization, but rather it's an attitude. Small means that you have face to face, eye to eye conversations with your customers. Small is building a relationship of trust between two people. It means that my word is my pledge. And that I'm accessible and accountable.
When my children were young and I really wanted to make sure that they were listening, I would get down on their level and say, "Look me in the eye." There's no more powerful mode of communication than face to face, eye to eye.
In a church context, small is making a personal phone call when an email would suffice. Small is taking the time to learn a persons name. Small is remembering that someone prefers Creme Soda over Coke, or the Flying Weenie over McDonald's! Small is helping people find meaningful community in a small group and a sense of significance through a place of ministry .... one person at a time.
On a personal level, small is having a face to face conversation that goes below the surface. Small is taking the time to care, to listen. Small is asking others for help. Small is considering others more important than yourself.
In the spiritual realm, small is the God of the universe taking on flesh. Small is the King of Kings being born in a stable. Small is our Savior, taking an apron, bending down to wash His disciples feet. Small is learning that the pathway to greatness is through servanthood.
So what does all this mean? It means this. Now look me in the eye ... in relationships and all of life, small is really big!
After that, the Word of God came to me: "Zerubbabel started rebuilding this Temple and he will complete it. That will be your confirmation that God-of-the-Angel-Armies sent me to you. Does anyone dare despise this day of small beginnings? They'll change their tune when they see Zerubbabel setting the last stone in place!" Zechariah 4:8-10 The Message
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