We had an awesome Leadership Community meeting this morning with over 120 people in attendance! It met and even exceeded my expectations! You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of our meeting. Here are some of the highlights:
- Some great refreshments thanks to Jan and her team
- An awesome time of worship led by Gary, Angie, Tye, Mike, Wes and Andre
- One minute "Lightening Round" updates from Sara Brownell (Hope for Moms), Loretta Bushlack (Family Night), Mark Forstrom (Quads, Pods and Team Groups), Tye Male (Men's Fraternity), and me :o) (Starting Point)
- A special drawing for two books, compliments of Steve Pickering and Lemstone Books
- Singing a special Fight Song, complete with the wave!
- Special Community Neighborhood News (CNN) announcements
- A special Leadership Lesson by Pastor Bob with a challenge to catch and run with the ball
- A time of prayer around our tables
- Huddle times for various ministry leaders after the Vision Casting portion of the morning
Wow! What an awesome environment. How encouraging to meet with other leaders from various New Covenant ministries to renew and refresh our vision and focus. Pastor Bob reminded us that as leaders, "our ball" is to be reproducing, disciplemaking leaders of authenticity and integrity. Our mission is to help people grow in their relationship with Christ. To do anything less is to just "play church."
Jesus has tossed us the ball and asked us to go and make disciples. What will we do with this message we've been given? Let's not fumble the ball. Let's run as long and as hard as we can. Let's catch the ball.
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