This being Equipping Staff Appreciation Month, it's appropriate for me to say "Thanks!" to the people I enjoy working and serving with on a regular basis.
Seth Godin talks about the Free Prize Inside as the secondary benefit of a product or service that makes it remarkable. You probably remember the free prize inserted into every box of Cracker Jack. It wasn't the reason I bought the product, but it was the thing I looked forward to the most - finding out what free prize was at the bottom of my box of Cracker Jack. As a matter of fact, I think I still have the collection of small prizes stashed away somewhere in our storeroom in the basement!
So what's this have to do with our Equipping Staff Appreciation? Each of our staff have a "free prize," a unique, and remarkable characteristic that is an added secondary bonus. Here are some of the "free prizes" that I most appreciate about our staff. So here it goes, my Thanks for the Free Prize Inside Equipping Staff Appreciation post:
- Erin Bird - Erin is our "go to guy" when it comes to graphic design, layout, composition, design or anything visual. Thanks Erin for the part you do to help New Covenant "look good!"
- Mark Eades - Mark stops by my office almost every day to just say "Hi." Thanks Mark for cheering up my day!
- Mark Forstrom - Mark surprises me with a new "prize" on a regular basis. Thanks Mark for your creativity and your willingness to live a "one of a kind" life!
- Gary Hoobler - Gary loves to collaborate and work with the rest of our staff to accomplish our mission and vision. Thanks Gary for being so "fun" to work with!
- Tye Male - I love to watch and listen to Tye play his sax. Thanks Tye for sharing your gift and passion with the rest of our church!
- Colette Rieck - Colette handles every challenge and opportunity that comes her way with grace and joy. Thanks Colette for your ever-present smile and optimistic attitude.
- Pat Rieck - Pat loves adventure and trying new things - like missions trips, RAGBRAI, and hiking the Grand Canyon. Thanks Pat for sharing your enthusiasm for life!
- Mick Schultz - Mick is our staff "Jokester," always ready for some fun. Thanks Mick for that small "twinkle" in your eye, helping me to remember that laughter is good medicine for my soul!
- James Wartian - James is "Mr. Email," getting things in writing in order to clarify our communication. Thanks James for the way you help keep things moving forward!
- Bob Westall - Bob is the person we turn to when it comes to food recommendations. Thanks Bob for making meals memorable and for you and Leesa so graciously opening your home for staff events!
- John Shadle - John is our youth intern from Huntington University. John has done a great job of coming alongside Mark, Mark and our teens as a humble servant. Thanks John for investing into the lives of Josh and Jon!
What a great team! There's much more I could say, but this gives you a small snapshot of why I so enjoy serving at New Covenant. My life is enriched through my involvement with each of our equipping staff. How wonderful it is to serve together with people you respect and care for. Please join me in expressing your appreciation during the month of October to our equipping staff. Erin, Mark, Mark, Gary, Tye, Colette, Pat, Mick, James, Bob and John; thanks for sharing your "free prize!"
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