We enjoyed hearing over 1000 high school musicians tonight along with the Iowa Hawkeye Marching Band at the Indoor Marching Band Classic. Bands from Marion, Kennedy, Linn-Mar, Xavier, Prairie, Washington and Jefferson all performed their marching programs inside the warm, friendly confines of the US Cellular Center. You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of the evening.
The evening concluded with a fantastic performance by the University of Iowa Marching Band. Their drum line put on an incredible show. I now know what I want to do when I grow up - I want to play in the drum line! Pyrotechnics, fog, flaming batons, cheerleaders, and the color guard units all added to the excitement of the evening.
The evening concluded with over 1200 musicians performing American the Beautiful, complete with fireworks and streamers. It was a great evening to be indoors. It was a great evening to enjoy the 10th Annual Indoor Marching Band Classic.
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