JoDee Martin and Mary Lee Butler prepared a special Appreciation Lunch today for our staff. They pulled out all the stops with cauliflower salad, party potatoes, creamed corn, sweet potato casserole, cherry pineapple jello, beef brisket, chicken with dried beef, and angel food cake.
With a spread of food like that, we all felt mighty appreciated! Thank you JoDee and Mary Lee for your labor of love. You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of the lunch.
Today was the official "goodbye" to DeaJo, our Youth Administrative Assistant. DeaJo has had to resign as she and Brad have moved to Oskaloosa. We gave her a card and a Best Buy certificate as a token of our appreciation. Thank you DeaJo for the many ways you have served our staff team, our youth ministry and our entire church family over the past three plus years. We will miss you.
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