We had an equipping staff and spouse retreat this past Friday and Saturday. We set time aside in our schedule twice a year in order to get away and to reconnect. This is a tradition that we started many years ago and have continued on as we have added more staff.
We begin our time by going out to eat on Friday evening. We tried Kaji Japanese Grill and had a great time. You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of our evening. We then go to Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca for an overnight. Late night conversations, snacks and games usually keep us up well past our bed time. We enjoy sleeping in on Saturday morning, breakfast together and then a time of worship and prayer. We hang out until lunch and then enjoy some more leisurely conversation before we have to clean up and head for home.
I can't begin to explain how important these times together are and how much I enjoy them. And I can't believe how fast they roll around. If we didn't schedule them six months in advance they'd never happen. Our schedules would fill up and we would be unable to find a time to get together. It's called, putting the big rocks in first!
So there you have it, a formula for a great retreat - a little food, good conversation, snacks, games, worship and prayer. It's a great way to spend 24 hours!
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