We flew out of Moline today to visit my dad at Sanibell Island. We arrived early enough to have dinner and get to the beach. There's nothing like the sound and smell of the ocean! It's going to be a great week!
We flew to Detroit to get a flight to Ft. Myers. Detroit has the most awesome tunnel that links two of the terminals. And best of all, they have Caribou Coffee shops! You can click on the picture above to see a short slide show.
Periwinkle Park where my dads lives, has wireless internet. Right now I'm sitting in dad's Florida room enjoying a cool evening breeze and a cup of Starbucks Casi Cielo coffee, writing this blog post. We have a full day planned for tomorrow - early breakfast, time in the Word, walking the beach, bike riding, time with my dad, exploring, and more! Whew! I better get a good nights sleep. It's going to be a great week!
Man, I'm so jealous dad. ;) We're praying for ya, have a great time!
Thanks Josh! Hope you can come down here sometime too! Love ya!
It is good to hear that you are having a great time. The ocean never gets old does it? Isn't it awesome that the Lord on high is mightier then the noise of many water?(Ps.93:4) Isn't it amazing that no wave is ever the same as any other? Do you wonder how far out into the ocean that each wave began and how far it has traveled? Can you count the grains of sand underneath your big toe? Do you wonder about the story behind every seashell? Have you seen any sand castles? Continue to enjoy His goodness towards you both. His steadfast love never ceases...His mercy never comes to an end.
We've seen a few sand castles, but nothing as good as the one your family built! Check out this link for the Ft. Myers Sandsculpting Festival http://www.sandfestival.com/2006_Gallery/index.htm . These photos are from the 2006 competition!
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