Our Men's Fraternity finished up this morning with a special ceremony. Over 80 men completed their Manhood Plan, received a customized Men's Fraternity certificate and name tag, and were "knighted" into manhood. Matt Thede surprised everyone by showing up in a coat of armour to lead the "knighting" ceremony.
You can see a slide show of the ceremony by clicking on the picture above. It is a large slide show so you may want to adjust the speed to two seconds or less in order to get through all of them. Once you finish the first batch it will ask you "if you would like to see more." Click yes and it will take you to the second set.
It was a very meaningful time watching each man come forward, kneeling for the ceremony and then receiving a round of applause. Kudos to Matt Thede, you did an outstanding job facilitating our meetings! You are one special guy! And kudos to the Men's Fraternity leadership team. You guys did an awesome job. Thanks for your servant hearts and willingness to get up early each Wednesday morning!
Now it's time to put into practice what we've learned throughout the year. Men, it's time to work our plans! See you next fall at Men's Fraternity. Bring a friend and join us for a journey into authentic manhood.
I am so proud of all these men! The leadership team has done a fantastic job and I am so proud of them! I wish I could have been there!
We'll see you all in the fall!
1. Reject passivity
2. Accept responsibility
3. Lead courageously
4. Expect a greater reward
Wow, I know Bill (Stutts) saw the slide show and wishes he could have been there as well. He was totally impressed when he saw the pics. Rest assured that he was there in spirit, God is working. The knight's armor was perfect! Gotta put it on every day, a good reminder!
We sure wish Bill could have been with us. We pray that God would shine through Bill as he serves courageously.
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