Sunday, December 31, 2006

Get Organized

I don't know about you, but I love using the week after Christmas to read, relax and get organized. This past week I decided to tackle the filing drawer for our personal finances, house and cars. Our filing system, if you want to call it that, has served us well over the years, but it was in desperate need of a New Years "make over." You can click on the picture above to see a slide show documenting the process.

The filing system that I now use is from Julie Morgenstern's book, Organizing From The Inside Out. Two years ago I bought the book and gave it to Sharon on her birthday so she could help me organize my filing system at work. But that's another story! You can ask Sharon about that.

I find that Julie's filing system really works well for me. I have shared it with others who have also found it helpful. Here are some of the principles for a successful filing system:
  • Break down your entire filing system into 3-5 categories that are easy to remember. For instance, at work I use Staff, Learning, Projects, Administration and Finances. At home on the filing drawer project I used Home, Auto and Finances.
  • Assign each category a file color. This way you will know what category the file belongs to by just looking at the file. I didn't use the color coding on my home project as the file folders need to be special ordered. Instead, I used the file folder tabs to designate the file type - left cut for Home, center cut for Auto and right cut for Finances.
  • Use the two ply filing folders. I like the Smead color folders for use at work. On my home I used the Pendeflex reinforced folders that I purchased from Office Max. The two ply folder lasts much longer. It's time to say "good-bye" to the dog eared folders in your file drawer!
  • It's important to use a "straight line" filing system. This simple tip has been a big help to me. This helps you to quickly scan down the row of files to find what you are looking for. A staggered system makes it much harder to locate files and to add new file folders in the future.
  • Once you have selected your categories and purchased your file folders you are ready for labeling. Invest in a good label maker. At church we use the Dymo LabelWriter 400. The Dymo is an awesome little product - I highly recommend it. You can purchase it for around $75 on sale at Office Max. You can purchase cheaper label makers for personal use. Neat, legible labels make it easy to find and file your folders.
  • Lastly, you are ready to file the folders in your drawer. I recommend that you use a hanging file folder for each file. This allows you to space out your file folders in the drawer, making it easy to find and refile each folder.

There you have it. Now, what are you waiting for? Go and tackle your project! And of course, no system works if you don't work at keeping it up on a regular basis. The new year is just around the corner. Take the opportunity this year to get organized!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

We Are Marshall

Sharon and I decided to take in a movie yesterday afternoon. It's a fun way to relax and unwind on a day off. About 500 people had the same idea, which meant that tickets to The Nativity Story were all sold out. Bummer. We quickly scanned the marquee to see what else was showing that we might be interested in. It came down to Charlotte's Web and We Are Marshall. And because We Are Marshall was being shown first, the choice was rather easy to make. We were not disappointed!

Let me first say that We Are Marshall is not a football movie. Yes, the movie takes place around the game of football. It starts off retelling the events on the fateful night of November 14, 1970 when 75 members of the Marshall University football team, coaching staff and boosters died in a fiery plane crash in West Virginia. The small city of Huntington, West Virginia and Marshall University struggle to recover from this incredible loss and devastation. You can learn more by watching this video that interviews some of the key people who are portrayed in the movie.

We Are Marshall is a movie about how to deal with guilt, loss, anger and broken dreams. It's about a university president who is willing to move beyond his own personal comfort zone, and in the process learns that there is a first time for everything. It's about a coach who loves his family and thought he just might be able to be helpful to a grieving community and university. It's about a father who struggles with anger and bitterness which causes additional personal pain and regretful mistakes. It's about teammates who learn that taking the field and competing is more important than winning.

If you go to the movie, bring some Kleenex along. You may need it!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Top 10 Blog Posts

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It's that time year when everyone comes out with their Top 10 Lists for 2006. Not to be outdone, I've decided to assemble my Top 10 Posts for 2006. Family members have submitted their requests, but the final decision rested squarely on my shoulders! But I'm up to the task.

It's been hard to narrow the field down to 10. The following list reflects my favorite posts, not my favorite people or experiences over the year! My family is Number 1, no vote even needed there!

So here you have it, the Top 10 Posts for 2006 from my blog (listed in no particular order):

10. Creating Space ~ Reflecting Values
9. Forgiven
8. Once Upon A Time
7. Baseball At Its Best
6. Building Homes and Enjoying Life Together
5. The Old Man and the Computer
4. Who Speaks for Pluto?
3. Small Is Really Big
2. It Takes A Town
1. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Pagel

So, there you have it. It was hard narrowing it down to 10 posts. 2007 promises to be a new year, with new experiences, new challenges, and new opportunities. I don't know what my year will bring, but I'm excited to find out.

Stop back often to check out what is going on in my corner of the world. And make sure that you let me know what is going on in yours!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Our Christmas Story

We returned this evening from celebrating Christmas with my father, two sisters and their families. I just love gathering together as family to celebrate the birth of Christ. We shared pictures and stories about the two weddings that have taken place in our family this past year, talked to my niece who will be moving to Cedar Rapids in January to attend Kirkwood, and of course, we enjoyed some good food! You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of our Christmas celebrations.

Our Christmas eve and Christmas day celebrations included these highlights:
  • An incredible Christmas eve worship service at church.
  • Christmas eve in Toledo with my family.
  • The reading of the Christmas story. Jason had the honors this year.
  • Christmas morning here at home.
  • Sharon's "world famous" cinnamon rolls. I forget from year to year how fantastic they are, especially when they are eaten warm with a glass of cold milk!
  • Opening Christmas gifts here at home. Jason, Josh and Jon surprised me with a burr coffee grinder this year. Thanks guys!
  • Christmas dinner back in Toledo with my family. Thanks Randy and Robbin for hosting us again this year.
  • A special "Christmas treat" arrived at our door on Christmas morning. Allyson Male delivered fresh, home made dinner rolls. Thanks Allyson, they were wonderful!

Christmas always helps me focus again on Christ and the things in life that are important. The years move on and the composition of our families change. But the story of Christ and His coming to earth is a story that never grows old. It's a story about a God who became flesh in order to redeem His creation. It's a love story of epic proportion. It's His story. And best of all, because of His grace, it's now my story. This is our Christmas story.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room

Christmas is my favorite time of year. I enjoy our Christmas tree, gift giving, family gatherings, the Christmas story, our Christmas eve worship service and Christmas carols. I never get tired of recalling the story of my Saviors birth. One of my favorite Christmas carols is Joy to the World. I especially enjoy verse one.

Joy to the world, the Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing.

I like the third line - Let every heart prepare Him room. The Christmas season is all about creating space. Space in my heart for God; space in my calendar for family and friends; space in my schedule for reflection and worship.

I'm thankful that God made space for me. He came to earth as baby and died in my place so that I might have life. His invitation to all who are seeking is "Come." And He is now in heaven preparing a place for all who place their trust in Him.

I'm thankful that on the first Christmas the Inn Keeper created room in his stable for a young couple far away from home. I'm thankful that God longs to dwell among us, right in the middle of our human condition. And I'm thankful that the Spirit of God took up residence in my heart many years ago when I called out to Him in faith and trust.

To all my family and friends, I wish you a very joyous Christmas. Let me encourage you to make room in your heart for our Savior this Christmas season.

Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. John 1:12

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Almost Too Good To Eat

What do you do on a Sunday evening for fun, entertainment, friendly competition and artistic expression? You bake and decorate Christmas cookies of course! Erin has distinguished herself as the Christmas Cookie Queen. Her artistic flair and creativity turn her cookies into "one of a kind" creations. They almost look too good to eat. Notice I said "almost!" You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of our cooking baking and decoration adventure.

So, what Christmas traditions do you and your family celebrate? Post your reply. Or better yet, drop by our home for a glass of cold milk and a Christmas cookie. Acquaintances get to look at the cookies free of charge. Friends get to hold a cookie. Close friends get to sample a cookie. And family and special guests get to eat a cookie. You know, these works of art almost look too good to eat!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Two Thumbs Up!

John Shadle, our Youth Intern, left today to return to Indiana. His internship is over but the impact of his life and ministry to the students at New Covenant live on. John is an awesome young man who God will certainly use. Here are some words and phrases that come to mind as I think about John - humble, transparent, servant, fun, easy to have around, loves sports, heart for God, genuine and a man of character.

Thank you John for investing in the lives of students at New Covenant during the past six months. And thank you for your involvement with Josh and Jon. We will pray for God's leading as you trust Him for the next phase of your journey. I know that you will be a blessing wherever you go.

John,we appreciate and love you. In the Pagel book, you are a "two thumbs up" kind of guy!

Get In The Spirit

We enjoyed the Get In The Spirit Christmas Concert at Linn-Mar High School last Saturday evening. We enjoyed the In Step and 10th Street Show Choirs, Christmas carol sing alongs, and various soloists and and choral groups. It was an incredible evening. You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of the individual and choral groups.

You can click here to see a slide show of the In Step Show Choir. You can click here to see a slide show of the 10th Street Show Choir. These are large slide shows and may take awhile to load on your computer. You can click on an individual photo to stop the show, then click on "Open photo in new window" to go to my online flickr account. You can then click on "All Sizes" above the photo in order to download an individual photo.

It was a wonderful musical evening. Jon played in the band for the show choirs, and Josh participated in the last ensemble that performed the Twelve and A Half Days of Christmas. Kudos to June Schmidt and the rest of the staff for developing such fine musicians. The Linn-Mar choral, band and orchestra departments all helped the full house get in the Christmas spirit!

A Surprise Visitor

Jason had a surprise visitor this weekend! Erin, his girlfriend, arranged to get a ride from Moody Bible in Chicago to Cedar Rapids on Friday morning. She enlisted our support to help her pull off this surprise visit.

Sharon told Jason that we needed to do some Christmas shopping at Westdale on Friday morning and asked him if he would like to join us for lunch around 12:45. Jason, never one to pass up a free meal, was all over the offer. So we arranged to meet him at his Starbucks store and then go out for lunch.

What Jason didn't know is that before meeting him for lunch, we picked Erin up at the Lemstone store on the southwest side. She hid in the back of our van and we made the short trip to pick up Jason.

Everything ran like clockwork except one small hitch. The store was busy when we arrived and Jason couldn't take his lunch break right away. That left Erin huddled in the back of our cold van for over 15 minutes! But it was well worth her wait to see the look of surprise on Jason's face as he open the back of the van. Jason's first comment was, "There's a person in here!" And then he realized that it was Erin! You can click on the picture above to see a short slide show of the surprise meeting.

We enjoyed a great lunch at Pancheros, retelling the whole story. And of course, we have enjoyed having Erin with us this weekend. She's a joy to have around. We will miss her when she returns to Chicago tomorrow. It's been a weekend to remember; a weekend full of surprises!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

No More Tears

New Covenant hosted the Children's Candle Light Memorial Service this evening. December 10 has been designated by The Compassionate Friends as a day of world wide candle lighting for children who have died. Dennis Sharp helped organize the service in Cedar Rapids. You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of the event.

It was a very solemn moment as children's names were read and family came forward to light a candle in their remembrance. I was reminded anew that my Heavenly Father knows what it's like to loose a son. That I have a Savior who understands what it's like to experience loss. And that the pain and heart ache that I experience in this life point me to my real home in heaven, where all the longings of my heart will one day be fulfilled.

But in the mean time, we are left with the pain of unanswered questions and unrealized expectations. Tonight was a night of remembrance. We remembered the lives of children who have passed on before us. And we remembered that in the midst of our pain, we have a God who is with us. A God who weeps with us yet promises to one day wipe away every tear.

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. Revelation 21:4

Friday, December 08, 2006

A White Elephant Christmas

The Sojourners Adult Bible Fellowship celebrated their Christmas Party tonight at Rick and Susan Kruchers home. We enjoyed a great time of fellowship, a bingo icebreaker game, a wide variety of good food and a fun white elephant gift exchange. You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of our evening.

It's great to have a group of friends to have fun with on a Friday evening. Laughter is good medicine for the soul! The UFO fiber optic lamp was the most popular gift, getting selected several times. It would be a great addition to any family room! Richard did a nice job of modeling it for us, only to have the lamp snatched from his possession. But Sharon Barrett-Kramer had the last pick and was able to recapture the treasured lamp.

Now it's true confession time. Sharon committed the cardinal sin of white elephant gift exchange. She left her gift at the Krucher's home when we left. It was an innocent oversight on her part, but an unpardonable offense just the same. Rick and Susan, I'm really sorry and apologize for Sharon's forgetfulness. We are guilty, please forgive us!

There is no snow on the ground yet this winter. But that didn't stop us this evening from celebrating a white elephant Christmas.

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Our Impact Group came to an end last night. We gathered in Clay and Christina's kitchen and dining room for a gourmet grilled salmon dinner. Clay fixed the salmon using his secret recipe; it was unlike any you have ever had! We then topped the meal off with an incredible chocolate cake that Robin made.

And oh yes, our study was good too! We finished up the Growing To Be Like Christ study book, discussing the last session on growing through suffering. We had a great time of sharing, praying, laughing and finished the evening by serving communion.

It's great being part of a small group for encouragement, study, prayer and accountability. In our diversity, we have experienced unity of heart. And over the course of the last eight weeks we have experienced a sense of genuine community.

Jesus Our Treasure

Pastor Gary and our choir, orchestra and drama team performed Jesus Our Treasure Christmas musical yesterday and twice today. The timeless Christmas story is told through the eyes of one of the shepherds, as told to his granddaughter. Kudos to Pastor Gary, Natalie Kaufman, and Darrin Crow for an outstanding performance. You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of the musical.

There is one more performance of the musical on Monday evening. The music is wonderful, the performances are outstanding and the story is compelling. God became a man and dwelt among us. It's the greatest story every told. The Christmas story is the reason we celebrate. He is our treasure!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Good-bye ~ Hello

Today we said good-bye to a faithful member of our family. Sharon and I drove our Geo Prizm down to the Sunline salvage yard on the southwest side this morning. It was a sad moment as I handed the keys and title over, knowing that we would never see our good friend again. More than likely, our '93 Prizm will be crushed flatter than a pancake and sold for salvage metal.

We hoped it wouldn't end this way. It was all so sudden, so final. We brought the Prizm home to our family in 1998. For the past eight years Ryan, Jason, and now Josh and Jon have been driving it to school and around town. We grew to love the little guy. He became part of our family. You can see pictures of him posing with Josh and Jon on the first day of school over the years by clicking on the picture above.

It all began to go south on a Wednesday morning, four fateful weeks ago. Josh and Jon were driving back home after helping serve breakfast at the HD Youth Center. Just as they began to turn left on 74th Street off of C Avenue, another driver pulled out without seeing them and broadsided our car. It was an ugly scene. Paint was scratched, metal was twisted beyond recognition, and critical system functions were disabled. I arrived on the scene shortly before the officer arrived to assess the damage.

I'm happy to say that no one was injured! But our little red Prizm had taken a hard blow, one that it couldn't recover from. It's not that it's health hadn't begun to fail before the accident - the air conditioner didn't work, the heater was not the best, the body had rusted through in several places, and the interior roof upholstery was sagging. The boys nursed the car back home, where we looked over the damage.

Subsequent discussions with specialists confirmed our fears that the injuries were fatal - the car was totaled! It was still driveable, but just barely. The boys got quite a few comments and glances when they drove down the road with the limping Prizm. We knew what we had to do. We needed to find another used car for our family.

With a rather generous insurance adjustment, I began our quest for a new family member. Ryan and Natalie's wedding and Thanksgiving put our plans on hold for several weeks. Finally on Monday, we found our new little compact in Coralville, a 2001 Nissan Sentra. It's mileage is rather high, but everything else checked out great. Josh drove down with me on Wednesday to pick it up.

Which brings us to today. I felt a small twinge of sadness as we drove away from Sunline this morning. Our Prizm has served us well. But as we drove away in our new Sentra, enjoying the nice sound system, the good heater and great road handling, my regret quickly turned to relief. After all, we were only leaving a car at the salvage yard, not a member of our family! And God had provided a new car for us. One, that by His grace, will provide us with many years of service and wonderful memories.

Today was a good day. Today we said good-bye to our old Prizm and hello to our new Sentra.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Character Counts

1998 was a magical year for Mark McGwire. He was engaged throughout the summer in an epic home run battle with Sammy Sosa that commanded the attention of the entire nation. He ended up hitting 70 home runs, demolishing the old record of 61 set by Roger Marris. By the end of the '98 season McGwire was anointed as the new Home Run King.

What a difference eight years makes. Today Mark McGwire has been reduced to a mere mortal. His career achievements have been overshadowed by allegations of steroid and growth hormone use. His character was put to the test and came up empty.

McGwire's reputation plummeted following allegations by former teammate Jose Canseco, who claimed in a 2005 book and subsequent interviews that he and Mark McGwire used steroids together while playing on the A's. And then came McGwire's testimony to a congressional committee on March 17, 2005, when he repeatedly avoided questions regarding steroid use, saying time after time: "I'm not here to talk about the past."

And for the past 1 1/2 years we almost forgot about Mark McGwire. But his character has once again taken center stage as people begin to debate his candidacy for the Baseball Hall of Fame. McGwire, who hit 583 career home runs, headlines the ballot released Monday along with Cal Ripken Jr. and Tony Gwynn. Ballots were mailed to voters this week and must be postmarked by December 31. Results will be announced January 9, and inductions will take place July 29.

McGwire's baseball credentials and achievements are "hall of fame like." But then there is that sticky character issue. The ballot says a player's record of achievement, contribution to the team, the game, their character, longevity and sportsmanship should be considered. So where does that put McGwire?

The Associated Press surveyed about 20 percent of eligible Hall of Fame voters, and only one in four who gave an opinion plan to vote for McGwire this year. That's far short of the 75 percent necessary to gain induction. It seems that in spite of McGwire's insistence to not talk about the past, the majority of sports writers are still trying to come to grips with it.

Which brings us back to character. Like it or not, a baseball players past achievements and character are considered when voting for the Hall of Fame. For the next several weeks Mark McGwire's statistics, achievements and character will be reviewed, evaluated and discussed. Mark can deny his past, but he can't run from it. For better or worse, Mark McGwire is discovering that in the game of baseball, just like the game of life, character counts.

Watch What Your Kids Watch

Senator Joe Lieberman joined the National Institute on Media and the Family's founder David Walsh today in presenting the organization’s 11th Annual MediaWise Video Game Report Card. Lieberman has been a staunch foe of violence in video games. In 1993, he headed Senate hearings about violent games that led to the establishment of the Entertainment Software Ratings Board. And late last year he co-sponsored the Family Entertainment Protection Act, which would make it a crime to sell violent video games to minors.

While public policy can be helpful, nothing can substitute for a caring and involved parent. Apparently Senator Lieberman agrees. "Pay attention to the games your kids, our kids, are playing," said Senator Joe Lieberman. "It's really time to focus on the parents and urge parents to pay attention."

So what's all the fuss over a few video games. Aren't they just harmless entertainment? Over 1000 studies indicate otherwise.
  • Almost half of all “heavy gamers,” are 6 to 17 years old
  • Children who spend more time playing video games are heavier, and are more likely to be classified as overweight or obese. Furthermore, playing video games in the bedroom is an added risk factor for overweight and obesity.
  • The amount of time kids spend playing video games is correlated with poorer grades in school and attention problems.
  • Violent video game play increases aggression in young players in the short term. Additional studies show these effects last.

The American Psychological Association is also concerned and issued their own report in August 2005. You can read my previous blog post conerning their findings.

Kudos to Senator Lieberman and to all concerned parents who care enough to set limits and to get invovled in the lives of their children. It's 9:00 PM, do you know what your children are watching?

Monday, November 27, 2006

Small Is Good!

No Pagel Thanksgiving weekend would be complete without an excursion to the Hoffman Tree Farm. We made our annual trek to select the "perfect" tree on Friday during a small window of time when no one was working. You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of the selection and decoration of our tree. You can also click here to read about last years tree excursion!

Of course, no tree is "perfect." But each year we go on a quest to find just the "right" tree for our living room. Of course we never find the "perfect" tree, but that never stops us from trying! And this years quest brought us to a much smaller tree than we usually select. It's a wonderful tree in it's own right, just smaller. Of course the boys are always saying, "Let's get a bigger one." And Sharon and I are increasing saying, "No, let's get a smaller one."

This years tree measured in right at 6 feet. I think the real story is that we selected a smaller tree in honor of Erin, Jason's girl friend who was with us for a few days this past week. Erin has taught us that good things come in small packages. That the stature of a persons character isn't measured by their height. And that God in His creativity has designed a universe full of variety.

In fact God loves small things. He loves small beginnings, a small gate, small loaves and fish, faith as small as a mustard seed, and people who are faithful in small things. Americans love big things. We love big meals, big cars, big homes, big titles, and big events. In fact our national motto might well be, "Just biggy size it please!"

Which brings us back to our Christmas tree this year. It's rather small, but we love our tree. We selected it out of an entire nursery full of trees of every size and shape imaginable. And if we had to do it all over again, we would select this tree every time. For you see, we are learning that small is good!

Friday, November 24, 2006

A Great Way To Start The Day

Jason's girlfriend, Erin, is staying with us this weekend before she returns to Moody. Jason had to be at the Westdale Starbucks to open at 4:30 AM so we drove down to see him this morning and to get a cup of coffee. Erin and Josh aren't coffee drinkers but they enjoyed a peppermint mocha and carmel apple cider. You can click on the picture above to see some pictures from Starbucks.

We had a great time at Starbucks this morning. Unlike Jason, we all got to sleep in, then wandered in to Starbucks for coffee around 10:45 AM. It's a rough life! A good cup of coffee shared with family and friends! It was a great way to start the day!

Thursday, November 23, 2006


I have much to be thankful for today. Of course, as a follower of Christ, I'm thankful each day for the grace and mercy that he has extended to me. But today on Thanksgiving, I want to pause and thank God for His many blessing to me and my family.

I'm thankful for Sharon, God's special gift to me. I'm thankful for Ryan, Jason, Josh and Jon. And of course I'm thankful for Natalie, our new daughter-in-law. I'm thankful for my dad and for caring family. I'm thankful for our New Covenant church family. And I'm thankful for the many awesome family times we got to experience together this past year - from Jason's graduation from Moody, to trips to the state Track Meet and Baseball Tournament, to a family vacation to Chicago, to Ryan and Natalie's wedding. You can watch a short slide show of some of these events by clicking on the above picture. What an awesome year. What an awesome God!

But why limit giving thanks to just one day a year? Hebrews 13: 15-16 talks about continually offering a sacrifice of praise. And the passage goes on to describe what a thankful heart looks like. A lifestyle of thanksgiving involves doing good and sharing with others. Thankfulness begins in my inner world and demonstrates itself through how I live in my outer world.

Today is a day of thanksgiving. This afternoon we will gather with friends and family to celebrate God's abundant provision to us this past year. Today is a day to recognize God's goodness and grace. Today is a day to be thankful!

Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace, not by ceremonial foods, which are of no value to those who eat them. We have an altar from which those who minister at the tabernacle have no right to eat. Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise–the fruit of lips that confess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrews 13:9,10, 15, 16

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Do You Offer Insurance With Your Chicken Nuggets?

I overheard the most awesome conversation today while waiting for my order at Wendy's. A young father and his two year old son came in the door and walked up to the counter right next to me. The little boy was noticeably sad.

The Wendy's employee asked the dad if he would like to place an order. And the dad said, "Do you offer insurance with your chicken nuggets?" The employee at the counter responded, "Pardon me?" And the dad repeated his question the second time. The employee then said, "Could you please explain what you mean?" The dad then responded with the following story:

"We were on our way out to the car and our chicken nuggets jumped out of their box and ran away. Do you offer insurance?" The employee then said, "We sure do. We can fix you right up." At this the dad looked down to his son and said, "I told you that they wouldn't let a little boy go hungry!"

What an awesome response! What awesome customer service. That Wendy's employee saved the day for that little boy and created a memory that may last a lifetime. Good customer service rarely costs more money but it does require a little more time. It's placing yourself in the other persons shoes and asking yourself, "what's the right thing to do?"

Good customer service is always prepared to answer the most difficult of questions or problems - even "Do you offer insurance with your chicken nuggets?"

Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:9-12

Monday, November 20, 2006

A New Family Tradition

We enjoyed a wonderful rehearsal dinner last Friday evening at Freddie Paul's Steakhouse in Stillwater. We had great food and a good time of interaction. You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of the dinner and some of our other activities the day before the wedding.

Each person at the rehearsal dinner had the opportunity to share a humorous story or memory of Ryan or Natalie. We enjoyed some good laughs and got to know both Ryan and Natalie better. At the end of the evening, the Pagel family began a new family tradition. Each of us gave Natalie a "welcome to the family" gift. Jon gave Natalie a Uno game - we taught Natalie Polish Uno when she came to Cedar Rapids to visit several months ago. Josh gave her a Hawkeye coffee mug - Josh is a Hawk fan and Natalie loves coffee. Jason gave Natalie a bag of Starbucks coffee - he works at Starbucks, enough said! Sharon gave Natalie some Dove chocolate and a pink Iowa stocking hat - something she will need when she comes to visit us in the winter. And I gave Natalie an Iowa State University key chain - I graduated from ISU, Natalie from OSU! In addition I gave her the little teddy bear that I went out and bought Ryan the day he was born. A guy can never have enough teddy bears!

We traveled to Stillwater last week to participate in a wedding. But more importantly, we welcomed our new daughter to our family. And in the process we began a new family tradition.

Just Married

Natalie and Ryan are now on their honeymoon and we are back in Iowa. It was a little hard getting back to work after a full weekend. You can see a slide show of the wedding by clicking on the picture above. Once the slide show begins you can click on each individual picture to see a short caption. You can also set the slide show speed to control how fast the pictures scroll through.

Congratulations Natalie and Ryan. May you know God's richest blessing as you together seek Him.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Pagel

Well, it happened! A wedding took place in Stillwater, Oklahoma today. I know I'm biased, but I have to say that I've never seen a more beautiful bride and groom. Natalie and Ryan looked radiant. The ceremoney took place at the Watkins Center located in the School of International Studies building on the Oklahoma State University campus.

Ginni Davis, Natalie's mother, transformed the banquet room into a space fit for a wedding using greenery, pillars, lights, a string quartet, fresh flowers, beautifully decorated tables, colorful sashes on each chair and delicious food. Ginni, you said that a good wedding needs plenty of greenry, sting music and good food! Kudos to you! You went above and beyond to create wonderful memories for everyone involved.

And special kudos goes to Danny Darnell, the Watkins Center staff person who assisted with the wedding and reception dinner. Danny is one of the most gifted, gracious and competitant servants that I have every met. He can do it all. He assisted with set up, Power Point and sound, served us food and drinks, helped cut and serve the cake, found a cuff link that Jason didn't even realize that he had lost, and effortlessly handled a host of other details. I told Danny that I wish I could pack him up and bring him back to Cedar Rapids with me! Thank you Danny for being our personal attendant today, looking after our every need.

As I sit in the lobby of the Fairfield Inn this evening typing this blog entry, I'm thankful for our family and friends who made the effort to be with us during this time of celebration - Milt and Ruth Nolting, Neil and Carol Middleton, Mark and Becky Flage, Steve and Sari Flage, Bob and DeLores Shuman, and Frank and Barb Stephen.

And of course I was the proudest person in the building today, with Jason, Josh and Jon all standing up with Ryan during the wedding. Each of them shared something during the ceremony about what Ryan meant to them. Wow! Does it get any better than this?

And in addition we gained a new daughter. Welcome to the Pagel family Natalie! You are awesome! And now, it's my privilege to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Pagel.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

How Awesome Is That!

We leave tomorrow, actually later today, to travel to Stillwater, Oklahoma for Ryan and Natalie's wedding. There will be a rehearsal dinner on Friday evening and the wedding will take place on Saturday at 4:00 PM on the OSU campus. Jason, Josh and Jon are all making the 10 hour drive with us. We are especially trilled that four of Sharon's brothers and sisters and my aunt and uncle are making the trip to the wedding. Isn't family great! How awesome is that!

My oh my, where has the time gone. I prepared the power point slide show with a lot of pictures of Ryan and Natalie from early childhood. It seems like only yesterday. Everyone tells you to enjoy your children while they're young, that they grow up too fast.

I can honestly say that Sharon and I have enjoyed our children and family during every season of life. And even though the season we are now moving into is different than any that has preceded it, and even though we don't know if we are going to like the season ahead, we are determined to enjoy every minute of it. We are going to Oklahoma to experience and enjoy a wedding celebration. We will soon have a new daughter-in-law. How awesome is that!

Our new season of life presents us with new opportunities to trust and serve God. We hope and pray that He gives us many more years together. There are new things to learn, new people to meet, and new changes to embrace. How awesome is that!


It's been awhile since I've posted anything. Bob Westfall, Gary Hoobler, John Maehl and myself attended the Worship Facilities Conference and Expo last week in Dallas. It was an awesome time. I came back encouraged that we are on the right path with our building plans.

One of the highlights was being able to spend time with Tom Smith, one of our architects. CDH Partners was one of the 275 exhibitors that had a booth at the Expo. We checked out different seat manufacturers and even found a chair that we liked! We learned about Meyer Sound and Constellation Electroacoustic Architecture. We talked to three different companies regarding digital signage. Gary got to attend an hour long, hands-on, product demo with the Yamaha M7CL Digital Mixing Console. I tagged along with Gary and got to try my hand at the controls! I don't know much about audio and mixing, but this console rocks!

John had 40 vendors on his "hit list" and talked to each one by the end of the day. Way to go John! He even mapped out the most efficient way to get through the Expo floor in order to get to each of the vendors he wanted to see.

Over 40 elective seminars were offered. I attended sessions on Building and Embracing Your Tech Budget, Tools and Techniques to Provide a Clear and Immersive Audio Experience, Case Study: Church Growth Through Project Management, Designing Effective Youth Spaces, and Creating Committees That Work.

In addition, we had plenary messages by Ed Young Jr. and Rex Miller. I especially enjoyed hearing Rex Miller talk about the future of the church and the implications of our societies move to a digital culture. I have heard him speak once before and have read his book, The Millennium Matrix. I highly recommend the book to anyone who wants to better understand the cultural shift we are in right now.

And to top it all off, we toured the Fellowship Church Downtown Campus. The Downtown Campus is part of a multi-site church, with the message delivered via DVD. We got to experience what a high definition image looks like on a 26 foot wide screen. What can I say? It was awesome!

But after it's all said and done; after all the sound, video, and lighting equipment is turned off and put away; after all the glitz and glam of the latest and greatest technology is replaced by newer and better; after looking at all the high-tech gear you could ever imagine; it all comes down to people. Low-tech and high-touch. People who selflessly volunteer their time and commit their resources in a mission they believe in. People who invest in the life of another person. Small groups of people who gather in living rooms and family rooms, who open their Bibles and their hearts to one another.

I love new technology and all that it can do. I hope that we are able to integrate some of it into our new facility. But technology and buildings only facilitate ministry. They're useful to the extent that they help us accomplish our mission of building a family of growing disciples. I'm glad to be part of a church that understands the difference.

There are some things that money can't buy. The joy of seeing someone come to Christ. The excitement of sitting around a table at 6:00 AM, discussing our journeys to manhood. The sense of community that comes from the sharing of our stories in an adult community. Getting to spend time with three other men who I care for and respect. This is the church in action. This is priceless.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Get Out To Vote

Just a reminder to get out to vote today! This is one of the freedoms that we enjoy as Americans and we need to use it to do our part to express our wishes at the ballot box. Make sure that your voice is heard. Get out to vote!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

A Very Special Person

We celebrated Sharon's birthday this past Wednesday with dinner at the Texas Roadhouse. Josh, Jon and Jason were all able to join us as we honored Sharon and expressed our appreciation to her. Later that evening we gathered in the family room as Sharon opened her gifts and cards.

Sharon is an awesome wife, mother, friend and Christ follower. She inspires and encourages all who know her. Here are a few words that describe some of the things I appreciate the most about Sharon:

Servant ~ Sharon is always thinking about the needs of her family and others, looking for ways that she can come alongside to serve. She cooks, cleans, mends, washes, prays, shares, encourages and gives; thinking about the needs of others above her own.

Heart for God ~ Sharon has a great heart and passion for God. She loves His Word and desires to know Him more deeply every day. Through her example she encourages others to grow deeper in their relationship with God.

Action Orientation ~ Sharon has a bias toward action - she just flat gets things done! The bigger the job and the closer the deadline, the more mobilized she becomes. And as if working on one thing at a time isn't challenging enough, she has a knack for multi-tasking and working on several things at the same time!

Relational ~ Sharon loves her family, her friends and people. She's a thoughtful friend and loyal partner. She loves sitting down with a good friend and a good book over a good cup of coffee!

Open to Change ~ Sharon has always been willing to try something new. She is constantly reading, learning and growing. And come this summer, she along with a few friends plan to hike the Grand Canyon!

Neat and Organized ~ Sharon loves to organize things. She stays on top of the details and schedules of an active family, helping all of us to think ahead. One of her favorite phases is, Do you need this anymore?"

Well, there you have it. Happy Birthday Sharon. You are a very special person!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Let Your Light Shine

Linn-Mar High School had their Academic Award Ceremony yesterday. Gary Hoobler was planning to attend, I had an open hour in my schedule, so spur of the moment I decided to hop in the car and ride along with Gary. And I'm glad that I went. It was an awesome sight seeing over 500 students sitting on the main floor of the gym, being recognized for their academic achievement. You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of the event.

In addition to their academic award, Josh and Jon were also recognized as Renaissance Award winners. This award is given to students who are involved in extra-curricular activities and community service. Good job Josh and Jon! It was also fun to see so many New Covenant students being recognized. And of course, we are proud of Lukas and his achievement, being recognized for his academic accomplishment.

Kudos to our Linn-Mar students. Your commitment to hard work, character and to honoring Jesus Christ in all you do is a strong witness for all to see. Let your light shine!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Thank You

JoDee Martin and Mary Lee Butler prepared a special Appreciation Lunch today for our staff. They pulled out all the stops with cauliflower salad, party potatoes, creamed corn, sweet potato casserole, cherry pineapple jello, beef brisket, chicken with dried beef, and angel food cake.

With a spread of food like that, we all felt mighty appreciated! Thank you JoDee and Mary Lee for your labor of love. You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of the lunch.

Today was the official "goodbye" to DeaJo, our Youth Administrative Assistant. DeaJo has had to resign as she and Brad have moved to Oskaloosa. We gave her a card and a Best Buy certificate as a token of our appreciation. Thank you DeaJo for the many ways you have served our staff team, our youth ministry and our entire church family over the past three plus years. We will miss you.

Fall Fest

New Covenant was a buzz of activity tonight with our annual Fall Fest. There was plenty of good food, fun games, cool prizes, creative costumes, and cute kids to go around. Josh helped with the Eye of the Needle football toss and Jon helped with the Israelites Table Tennis - Smash Your Way Out of 40 Years of Despair ping pong game. You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of the evening.

I was reminded again tonight that New Covenant is a "family of growing disciples." There were parents, children, grandchildren and grandparents working and playing side by side. Middle schoolers and high schoolers were staffing the games. And people like Sharon and me got to just come and enjoy other peoples kids! And all in a safe, fun environment that seeks to honor God. Let's do it again next year!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Welcome to New Covenant

We had a nice Welcome Lunch today with about about 50-60 people in attendance. It was a smaller group than usual, but we still had eight new families. You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of our lunch.

A special "thank you" to our great Kitchen Team who prepared and served the meal. The room look great, the chili was delicious and the hospitality was warm. Welcome to New Covenant!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

A Compelling Vision

We had a great Elder, Deacon and Equipping Staff Retreat this weekend. Gary Hoobler and I were unable to attend on Friday evening because of Senior Recognition so we drove down to East Iowa Bible Camp on our own this morning in time for breakfast! You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of our time.

Our fall Retreat is always something I look forward to. Fifteen different ministries shared their five year ministry plans and micro-visions. How exciting to peer into the future to get a glimpse of what the ministry of New Covenant might look like. This has become something we now do during each fall Retreat.

Being that it was five years ago that we gathered together to put together our first five year plan, I thought it was appropriate for me to read from Pastor Ray's macro-vision. This was something that he prepared in 2001, attempting to describe what our church would look like in 2006. It was awesome to reflect back on all that God has done during the past five years!

As an added bonus and surprise, Don Purdy recognized me for my 15 years of ministry at New Covenant. Where has all the time gone! I was presented with a card and financial gift. I was totally shocked! Thanks to each of the staff, Elders and Deacons who contributed to this generous gift.

It was a great Retreat - great worship, fellowship and time in the Word. This is an exciting time to be involved in the leadership of our church. What will the next five years hold? I'm not sure, but I certainly hope I'm still around to find out! I'm convinced that the best is yet to come and that we serve a God who is able. We have a fantastic leadership team, a clear Biblical mission, and a compelling vision.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Senior Night

My oh my, where has the time gone! Tonight was Senior Recognition between the sophomore and varsity football games. We enjoyed watching the Marching Lions one last time. As a fun twist, after the pre-game performance the band came out in Halloween costumes for the halftime program. You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of the evening.

Josh and Jon, we're very proud of you! It's been a great marching season. Now it's on to Concert Band. The stars were out tonight - tonight was Senior Night.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

My Father's Chair

We had a very powerful Men's Fraternity meeting this morning. Robert Lewis talked about Facing the Father Wound. The entire room was silent as Robert shared from the pain of his own journey and how he has found forgiveness and freedom. At the end of the session he read a poem called, My Father's Chair. He sat in his own father's chair on the platform as he read the poem. It was a powerful moment.

I knew that I had heard that poem before. I came back to my office (After taking Josh and Jon to school because a car broadsided them at C Ave and 74th. Thankfully, no one was hurt.) and found the author to the poem. David Meece wrote the lyrics and sang My Father's Chair on his Once In A Lifetime album that was released in 1992. We owned that CD and I always loved the lyrics to My Father's Chair.

Robert Lewis read the first two verses from that song:

Sometimes at night I'd lie awake
Longing inside for my father's embrace
Sometimes at night I'd wander downstairs
And pray he'd returned, but no one was there.
Oh, how I'd cry, a child all alone
Waiting for him to come home.
Chorus:My father's chair, sat in an empty room
My father's chair, covered with sheets of gloom
My father's chair through all the years
And all the tears I cried in vain
No one was there in my father's chair.

Sometimes at night I sit all alone
Drifting asleep in a chair of my own
When sweet sleepy eyes peer down from the hall
Frightened by dreams they cannot recall
I hold them close, calming their fears
Praying they always will say,
Chorus:My father's chair sits in a loving room
My father's chair, no matter what I do
My father's chair, through all the years
And all the tears I need not fear
Love's always there in my father's chair.

But David Meece also wrote a third verse. I especially like it because it talks about my Heavenly Father:

Sometimes at night I dream of a throne
Of my loving God, calling me home
And as I appear, He rises and smiles
And reaches with love to welcome His child
Never to cry, never to fear
In His arms, safe and secure.
Chorus:My Father's chair sits in a royal room
My Father's chair holds glory beyond the tomb
My Father's chair, my God is there
And I am His eternal heir
Someday I'll share my Father's chair.

Someday I will curl up in my Heavenly Father's arms to spend eternity with Him. But in the mean time, I'm thankful for my dad who was and is a great role model for me of what it means to be a man. And I'm thankful for Ryan, Jason, Josh and Jon and the incedible young men they are becoming. And I hope that my boys too can say that "love was always there in my father's chair."

Monday, October 23, 2006

Indoor Marching Band Classic

We enjoyed hearing over 1000 high school musicians tonight along with the Iowa Hawkeye Marching Band at the Indoor Marching Band Classic. Bands from Marion, Kennedy, Linn-Mar, Xavier, Prairie, Washington and Jefferson all performed their marching programs inside the warm, friendly confines of the US Cellular Center. You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of the evening.

The evening concluded with a fantastic performance by the University of Iowa Marching Band. Their drum line put on an incredible show. I now know what I want to do when I grow up - I want to play in the drum line! Pyrotechnics, fog, flaming batons, cheerleaders, and the color guard units all added to the excitement of the evening.

The evening concluded with over 1200 musicians performing American the Beautiful, complete with fireworks and streamers. It was a great evening to be indoors. It was a great evening to enjoy the 10th Annual Indoor Marching Band Classic.

The Free Prize Inside

This being Equipping Staff Appreciation Month, it's appropriate for me to say "Thanks!" to the people I enjoy working and serving with on a regular basis.

Seth Godin talks about the Free Prize Inside as the secondary benefit of a product or service that makes it remarkable. You probably remember the free prize inserted into every box of Cracker Jack. It wasn't the reason I bought the product, but it was the thing I looked forward to the most - finding out what free prize was at the bottom of my box of Cracker Jack. As a matter of fact, I think I still have the collection of small prizes stashed away somewhere in our storeroom in the basement!

So what's this have to do with our Equipping Staff Appreciation? Each of our staff have a "free prize," a unique, and remarkable characteristic that is an added secondary bonus. Here are some of the "free prizes" that I most appreciate about our staff. So here it goes, my Thanks for the Free Prize Inside Equipping Staff Appreciation post:

  • Erin Bird - Erin is our "go to guy" when it comes to graphic design, layout, composition, design or anything visual. Thanks Erin for the part you do to help New Covenant "look good!"

  • Mark Eades - Mark stops by my office almost every day to just say "Hi." Thanks Mark for cheering up my day!

  • Mark Forstrom - Mark surprises me with a new "prize" on a regular basis. Thanks Mark for your creativity and your willingness to live a "one of a kind" life!

  • Gary Hoobler - Gary loves to collaborate and work with the rest of our staff to accomplish our mission and vision. Thanks Gary for being so "fun" to work with!

  • Tye Male - I love to watch and listen to Tye play his sax. Thanks Tye for sharing your gift and passion with the rest of our church!

  • Colette Rieck - Colette handles every challenge and opportunity that comes her way with grace and joy. Thanks Colette for your ever-present smile and optimistic attitude.

  • Pat Rieck - Pat loves adventure and trying new things - like missions trips, RAGBRAI, and hiking the Grand Canyon. Thanks Pat for sharing your enthusiasm for life!

  • Mick Schultz - Mick is our staff "Jokester," always ready for some fun. Thanks Mick for that small "twinkle" in your eye, helping me to remember that laughter is good medicine for my soul!

  • James Wartian - James is "Mr. Email," getting things in writing in order to clarify our communication. Thanks James for the way you help keep things moving forward!

  • Bob Westall - Bob is the person we turn to when it comes to food recommendations. Thanks Bob for making meals memorable and for you and Leesa so graciously opening your home for staff events!

  • John Shadle - John is our youth intern from Huntington University. John has done a great job of coming alongside Mark, Mark and our teens as a humble servant. Thanks John for investing into the lives of Josh and Jon!

What a great team! There's much more I could say, but this gives you a small snapshot of why I so enjoy serving at New Covenant. My life is enriched through my involvement with each of our equipping staff. How wonderful it is to serve together with people you respect and care for. Please join me in expressing your appreciation during the month of October to our equipping staff. Erin, Mark, Mark, Gary, Tye, Colette, Pat, Mick, James, Bob and John; thanks for sharing your "free prize!"

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Good Coffee and Good Friends

Jason conducted a Partner's Favorites Coffee Seminar today at the Westdale Starbucks. Sharon and I took Rex and Marge Engelkemier and enjoyed tasting three different coffees, three pastries and two drinks. It was a culinary delight! You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of the event.

I'm not a coffee connoisseur, but I did enjoy the flavors of the different coffees. We tasted Kenya, Verona, and Ethiopia Sidamo along with lemon loaf, toffee almond bar, and chocolate chunk cookie pastries. We finished off the taste testing with a peppermint mocha and carmel latte. Jason did a great job! For a person who loves coffee, it was a great formula - good coffee enjoyed with good friends.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Commitment to Community

We had a great Membership Class this weekend. I always leave these times with a fresh commitment to living out our mission, vision and values. You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of our time together.

20 people attended the Friday night and Saturday morning sessions. I love the diversity of our fellowship. We had young and old, newly weds and seasoned marriage veterans, and new and mature believers. Each person's spiritual journey has brought them to New Covenant. Different stories but the same God. Different gifts and interests, but the same ministry. Different personalities but the same commitment to community.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Leadership Community ~ Getting Our Team On The Same Page

We had a great Leadership Community meeting this morning with over 110 people in attendance. It's great getting together with other leaders for vision casting and encouragement. You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of our time together.

Some of the hi-lights of the morning include:
  • A great time of worship
  • Welcoming new leaders
  • Lightening Round reports from Pastor James on Perspectives, Pastor Mark Eades on See You At The Pole, Pastor Mick on SOAR, Pastor Erin on Campus Staff and Pastor Tye on Impact Groups
  • Community Neighborhood News updates on our relocation, multi-site strategy and the new Agape ABF
  • Steve Jenkins and Melinda Muller won books, compliments of Lemstone Christian Stores
  • Pastor Gary taught us how to make a "Wave Offering" and led us in the wave
  • We learned a second verse in our New Covenant Fight Song
  • Pastor Bob gave us Leadership Lesson on the importance of knowing our Playbook and to run our five plays with wisdom

Our Leadership Community meetings are recorded for those who are unable to attend. And for those who are "tech savvy," we now offer Podcasting. Our next Leadership Community is scheduled for Saturday, November 11. Until next month, Go Team!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Nobody Does It Better

The Linn-Mar Band competed today at the State Marching Band Contest at Kingston Stadium. It was a beautiful day to be sitting in the stands! It's hard to believe that today was the last time we will have someone marching at Kingston. You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of the Lions performance.

Linn-Mar looked great and sounded even better today as they performed the music of James Bond. Because we were sitting up higher in the bleachers than usual, we finally realized that the band forms "007" during its last number! Very cool! I scored their performance a 001! In my humble opinion, nobody does it better!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Move That Bus ~ Part 2

The Sojourners Adult Bible Fellowship had their 2nd Annual Progressive Dinner tonight. We began with appetizers at the church, moved on the Krucher's for the main course and then finished with dessert at the House of Hope. We took the bus to each stop and enjoyed a great evening of food, conversation, laughter and fun. And of course, what would a social be without pictures! You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of our evening.

We had a great time together. Thanks Rick and Susan for hosting the dinner, and thanks Carla for hosting the dessert and a great tour. And thanks Charlie for chauffeuring our group around town. Let's do this again next year! Mr. bus driver, move that bus!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Jazz to the Max

What happens when you mix jazz music with the Imax Theatre? Give up? You get Jazz to the Max! Tye Male plays with the Iowa Vangard Jazz Collective and they perform at the Science Station from 7:30-9:30 PM on the first and third Thursdays of the month. But tonight they actually performed in the Imax Theatre. It was way cool! You can click on the above picture to see a slide show of the evening.

It was fun listening to and watching incredibly talented people who love what they do. They would have performed tonight even if no one attended! Admission is free, making it one of the best values in town! If you enjoy good music, then mark your calendar for the first and third Thursday of the month, and head downtown to the Science Station for Jazz to the Max!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Unexpected

Last week during our Equipping Staff Meeting we did an exercise called "The Unexpected." I asked each staff member to take a piece of paper and write down all the things that happened, both personally and in ministry, during the last several months that were unexpected.

The concept is that the unexpected shakes us out of our preconceived notions, our assumptions, and our certainties. Things are constantly changing. Nothing really remains the same forever. The ideas that work for a season won't always work. And when we seem to least expect it, God breaks in and surprises us. So we need to be on the lookout for the unexpected - to identify, observe and learn from our unexpected successes and failures.

It was incredible sitting around the table at Mr. Beans, listening to all the unexpected blessings, challenges and opportunities that we had all encountered during the past few months. Family Night, Men's Fraternity, Starting Point, Quads and Pods, Junior High Team Groups, and Leadership Community were not even on our radar several months ago. We also experienced unexpected heart ache with funeral services, ministry challenges and difficult personal crisis.

But through all of this, God has been faithful. The unexpected is God's way of reminding us that our life and ministry are His, not ours. That we need to hold our plans with an open hand. And that life is an adventure of trust, not certainty.

Several days after completing the Unexpected exercise, I read Isaiah 64:3-4:
For when you did awesome things that we did not expect, you came down, and the mountains trembled before you. Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for Him.

I'm convinced that we have yet to see what God can to do through the ministry of New Covenant Bible Church. The things He longs to do are beyond our imagination, hopes and dreams. I'm convinced that the best is yet to come. That God can be trusted to work all things out for the honor of His name. And that we can expect to experience the unexpected!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Prepare for Impact!

We had an exciting morning today with small group Hosts stopping by to get their assignments and materials. Today is the last day to sign up to participate in an Impact Group as well as to complete Host Orientation. So there was a lot of activity in the lobby around the Impact table! You can click on the picture above to see a slide show of the morning.

Our Small Group Team with Tye Male, Dave Sanders, Susan Krucher, Pat Rieck, James Wartian, and Erin Bird have done a great job in preparing and equipping our church for our Impact Series. We have over 60 small groups participating. And I see that even Bernice plans to participate in a small group. A special thanks to Tye for his leadership with the team and for organizing a multitude of details.

It's been an exciting day. It's exciting to think about how God will use these groups in the lives of people. Let's prepare for Impact!

Saturday, September 30, 2006


Josh, Allyson and a group of 12 other friends are enjoying the Homecoming Dance this evening. They began with dinner at Olive Garden, dessert at the Paulson's and then the dance. You can click on the above picture to see a slide show of the group.

It's awesome that a group of freshmen through seniors can do this together. The young men looked handsome, and the young women looked beautiful. It's an awesome thing to be young! It's an awesome thing to be able to enjoy special moments with friends!

Friday, September 29, 2006

A Winning Evening

It was a beautiful evening for a high school football game. Unfortunately the Lions came out on the short end of the score. But that didn't deter the spirit and pageantry of the Linn-Mar homecoming weekend. You can click on the above picture to see a slide show of the game.

The marching band, great weather, the cheerleaders, the football team, the homecoming court, the National Anthem, the color guard .... it all added up to a winning evening.